Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stop Your Kvetching

Today: Not that Interesting. A day without Spanish 4 or Math is a pretty good day though. Mr. Atkinson made me laugh. Also, the Media Design class has pretty much decided if anyone makes us mad we'll take your picture out of the yearbook. Peer tutoring was hilarious. Adam Yotter got hit in the face by Amanda Johnson. I accomplished very little in AP Lit, but at least I saw Megan's shining face....whooo! Jared told me to put a picture of Stitchopoly on here tonight....enjoy.

Lovely Quotes From Today:

~"If it weren't for this whole weather thing it would feel like summer." -Jared

~"When I think of hormones I think of sex. What do hormones make you think of?" -Mike

"Food." -Megan

"You think of food when you are having sex?" -Mike

~"This has been the longest 25 minutes of my life." -Ms. Rogness during Advisory

~"Bobbi Falde can slam a revolving door." -JDK

~"You have to be on your toes in this class." -Jake Eichhorn

~"Jeeeeez. Jesús!" -Sra. Schmitz

~"Okay, we have an otro worksheet." -Sra. Schmitz

~"Chris your hair looks like a tumbleweed." -Mike

The Biggest Loser is on tonight...yay. I want to get some things accomplished...we'll see how that goes. Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. If you were around me today...you know what I would say to that.

It is kisstomary to cuss. Spoonerism.

The End.


  1. not to kvetch or anything, but I actually said the "tumbleweed" quote, not jared.

    So, excuse me.
