Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally, Pork You Can Cut With A Fork!


I have Grapheme Color Synethesia. It occurs in 1 in 2,000 people. I thought I was the only one & I never knew how to explain it, but apparently a lot of people are studying it now.

I went shopping with my mother. She makes me laugh. She says unusual things like "Let's bust out of this joint."

I spent most of the day amazed with my new Ipod touch. It's definately in the top 3 of most important electronic devices that I own.

I texted a lot today. I hate texting, but at the same time I like it. I have 2-3 people I text regularily, and that's all I need.

I did a little homework, but it won't save me from the fact I have scholarships to deal with tomorrow. But, that's okay because I have a fun afternoon planned.

I get to sleep in tomorrow. I look forward to that. I haven't really been sleeping lately. I have, however, been having a lot of dreams.

Goodnight & Sweet Dreams to you...whenever that may be.

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that about you. That is very interesting.

    Please to tell me more tomorrow, if you will...
