Saturday, March 7, 2009

I am Twittery

I am twittery.

I'm not sure if that's a word, but if it's not I am officially claiming it as one. Because it is exactly how I feel. I have had a variety of caffinated products today and now have no ability to focus on anything.

Anyways endings are always nice so i'll say the events of my day backwards.

point 1. I got home and found jello in the refrigerator, which means my mom is back on a diet.

point 2. Mike Trost knows way too much about Pokemon.

point 2. I feel much calmer with an energy drink when I'm surrounded by other people with energy drinks.

point 3. When put in a permanent marker fight with Nathan Frye...Krista Johnson will be victorious.

point 4. Mike Trost on energy drinks is hilarious.

point 5. Slumdog Millionaire is an excellent movie...with music that I like.

point 6. Wandering around redwing can be really fun...and an epic place to take pictures.

point 7. Mocha's at Lily's have a lot of power...

point 8. JDK works at Hope's Harvest

point 9. I can't smile when I have novacaine in my tooth

point 10. I went to the dentist to get my tooth filled...and the cavity was so small...the dentist almost said I could go home.

point. 11. I vaccumed the house for my mom

point 12. The sun woke me up at 7am, but I pulled the covers over my head and slept till 10:15

point 13. I had lots of random dreams.

Well that is my day...there were so many funny moments I could not possibly put them into words...all I know is if there twas a list of "epic days in history" this would go on that list. Mike, JDK, and Nathan Frye are my 3 favorite people.

*serious voice* "I am trying to keep myself under control"...."this mocha has so much power"

I look forward to twill be another epic day...yay.

The End.

point 14. when proof reading this i realized that I have 2 point 2's.

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