Tuesday, March 30, 2010

72 and Sunny


Yesterday was a really good day. Andrew and I went downtown to enjoy the nice weather and study in the library. Then we met up with Kevin and went to How to Train Your Dragon. A cute movie that I really enjoyed.

This week I don't have Freshman Writing except for a 15 minute conference on Thursday. Which means that today is like Monday/Friday which are two days that I really enjoy.

My Creative Writing story is almost done. I think I'll post it, but it will be kind of long...so prepare yourself for that.

Anyways, enjoy this awesome weather!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Date Night


I just returned from a beautiful night filled with adventure and Spanish. I honestly didn't want it to end.

It wasn't a date, but it was about as close to a date as you can get without any of the classic date-like situations.

I'm happy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Adventure Adventure

Right now I have a really strong desire to have an adventure. In Spanish we started the "Tiempo Libre" chapter and we talked about adventure. We also learned about "Viajes a Medida" which is something I definately want to do. I would do it right now if I could. Just traveling to other countries and doing some of the craziest activites possible. I think skydiving sounds really epic right about now, or even scuba diving or stuff like that.

But, instead what lies ahead for my day is kind of unknown. All I know is that I'm going to yoga. I hope something epic happens tonight.

Last night I had two voicemails that made me smile a lot. I also had a conference with my Creative Writing teacher and he really liked my story. I was so happy because I did take a risk with it and I guess I made it work. I still need to fix some things though. After that I hung out with Andrew, Temi, and Sandra who are people I really enjoy.

Well, I have to call the dentist now to try to figure out what's wrong with my tooth. Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tactics of Writing

Since break started I've got into this habit of wanting to watch a movie. It feels like an actual craving to me which is really weird because I always used to find it hard to watch movies. Maybe it's the fact that the movies I've been watching late have all been incredibly good.

I'm slowly starting to take care of things one at a time, but the fact that today is Thursday shocked me. I'm fairly certain that the past few days have just been a daydream. I don't think I was mentally anywhere, but last night I got 8 hours of good sleep and I feel at least 80-90 percent here.

If you want to make a paper longer make the period size 16, comma size 13, and change the font to Calabria (or whatever it is). I found that helped me get my 5 page research paper done quickly and efficiently.

I'm not sure what else to say other than most things are good and that tomorrow will be a great day!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Little Dark Inspiration


It's me again. I'm writing a second blog for the first time in a long time. I'm just in this really odd mood I don't think I've ever been in.

I was really depressed about 3 hours ago...like really really depressed. It all started off with the lighting in my room being really gross, but then Sajinee called me for dinner and I felt really tired. The food was gross and I had a really bad toothache.

I'm really convinced that something is wrong with the filling that I had done on my cavity. I'm scared though because I don't have the time or energy to have them do anything other than tell me everything is fine. I'm still trying to figure out what to do...maybe it will feel better tomorrow.

Anyways, after Sajinee made me feel bad for not eatting anything because my tooth hurt to bad to even eat jello, I went to my room and did nothing but think about what could be wrong with my tooth and it made me feel like crying. I got really depressed and thought that I should just close the curtains and take a nap until the sun went down and maybe I could stop feeling so gross. All I did though was toss and turn for about an hour and think about the fact that I have a Spanish test tomorrow and a paper to email tonight.

I just received Pan's Labyrinth in the mail today and I thought it would be good to watch. I didn't know anything about it except that I was told it was really good and that there was animation. So I'm thinking just a creepy PG movie right? Well...I did happen to see the rating when I was unwrapping the DVD, but didn't think anything of it. Then I start watching it and thought that it's a lot different than I was expecting. Then I get creeped out...had one of those "ah ha" moments. Before I know it the movie is over and I really like it, but am kind of angry about the ending. Then I go on the computer and turn on itunes and this creepy song that I really like comes on.

Now, I have to finish writing my creative writing story, which is the story of a world made of paper and the creator of it is a painter that makes everything. One day a girl comes through the forest and freaks the painter out because he wants a world of perfection and free of any kind of stress. He locks her in a room...then that's where I'm at with writing it. But, I've already decided (from the original 3 page writing exercise) she's going to light a cigarette and wreck the village and the painter is going to disappear and everything is going to go back to reality. (Not to ruin anything if I ever post this). I'd say it's already creepy enough, but I'm telling you Pan's Labyrinth and the song "Paris is Burning" by St. Vincent is my current inspiration. I can't imagine I could be inspired to write a darker story.

But, if you're wondering I'm not necessarily "depressed" anymore. I liked the movie too much and now I can finally write this ending I was struggling with during all the sunshine and happy music.

I really hope there's a thunderstorm tomorrow...I don't know the odds of that by any means, but I haven't watched the weather in a while so it's possible. I don't want to check the weather because then I might just be disappointed.

Well I'm off to hopefully write a masterpiece.


Words and Such

Vampire Weekend was so good I just can't even talk about it. It's a life experience that everyone who enjoys their music should attend.

The intro. band was...well...it just was. I hope they sold at least one CD or t-shirt even thought I would kind of judge whoever spent money on that.

In other news, I need to get inspired quickly. I need to write 2 papers by Thursday, study for a Spanish test for tomorrow, and other random stuff. Not too difficult, but I definately need some kind of inspiration. Good music and happy thoughts will be included in my day.

I'm probably going to convince someone to come to another concert with me...it will either be As Tall as Lions, Dr. Dog, or The Apples in Stereo. I have no clue which I would prefer. I'd rather have someone else decide because each one is amazing. I'll figure it out. Or I'll save money and not go to any. Either way I'm perfectly happy (even though I would rather go to one).

I feel obligated to say a "did you know" type thing to make this blog worthwhile for you. I'm not sure why I feel the need to make a difference in your life, but I do so congratulations.

Did you know: ‘Jay’ used to be slang for ‘foolish person.’ So when a pedestrian ignored street signs, he was referred to as a ‘jaywalker.’

Have a nice day.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22nd: Vampire Weekend


Somebody is erasing me from their life. I really don't mind at all, in fact, I helped them out by deleting them from facebook. I'm happy this is finally happening.

Meanwhile somebody else has a crush on me. In another situation I might like this person, but it's far too complicated and I think I've had enough of that. Friends we will be and one day soon I will have to explain in my best Spanish why it won't work out...I don't look forward to that day which may or may not be next Sunday.

Yesterday I semi-planned out the next 15 years of my life. It's just a rough sketch of what it might end up being. I'll more than likely join the Peace Corps after graduating from the U of M, then go to graduate school in either California or Washington D.C., then join UNICEF, and then work for a while in a New York government job or something, and by the time I'm 35 I will indeed work at the United Nations as an interpreter. It sounds really awesome to me.

I don't know what's going on today. It is currently approximately 9:15am. I don't have French class. My homework is minimal and nothing is due tomorrow besides a little online Spanish homework. Tonight will be REALLY epic. I've been awaiting this day since sometime in December.

Oh, Brief Encounter is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. It is similar to watching a live movie, the acting was good, and everything was just great. I highly recommend it.

I guess I'll go find something to do. Enjoy your day.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Dear entire world,

Tonight I go to Brief Encounter at the Guthrie.

Tomorrow night I go to the Vampire Weekend concert at First Ave.

*Cue high pitched squealing*

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Adventures to Get to Uptown

All my friends in Minneapolis are completely, but not limited to, absolute awesomeness. This video is just one of many examples. I really love editing.

Friday night, I went on the most random adventure of my life while mourning the departure of Branden.

Kevin and I went downtown after getting frozen yogurt in Dinkytown. Originally we went to see the library, but when we got there it was 5 minutes before closing, so our viewing was limited. So, we decide to walk to uptown. Even though I have done this more than once, from the location we were at, I honestly had no clue how to get there, but I figured that eventually I could get us to end up there. For some reason I have this idea that Minneapolis is small or that I know it really well.

Anyways, we cross this epic bridge into a land where all the apartments are fancy and everything is beautiful. We stop at this small grocery store and get flavors of Arizona tea that we hadn't even heard of. We run into a bus stop that claims we are somewhere around Colombia Heights. There are some shady characters, but it's night so everything seemed shady. We walk around for a while deciding that everything is great. We run into the Minneapolis Museum of Art or something like that.

Anyways, the columns are lit up really pretty and it looks beautiful. We walk next to this gated community where about 10,000 crows are looking down at us and flying over us. It felt like something from a scary movie. Kevin, of course, stomps really loudly to get them to fly all over the place. They freak out. I notice people are going into the museum for some event and I realize that I have to use the restroom, so we thought we would check it out. It was definately some children's theatre things or something and we both became very aware that we were not 8 years old or a parent. It was pretty awkward.

Later, we think we know where we are. Things start becoming familiar. We run into an epic apartment and admire it from up-close. Kevin sneezes really loudly on the doorstep and we quickly walk away.

Approximately 1/2 hour later we realize that we no longer know where we are, but we run into Franklin Avenue and Garfield Street. We decide that it is the coolest crossing ever. We almost get hit by a car, I walk across a pile of puke, and the apartments continue to be awesome.

Approximately 1/2 hour later we find a building labeled Uptown. Everything seems awesome and we feel accomplished. Kevin says he knows where we are and everything is joyus. We walk into a shady gas station to buy scratch off tickets because we're feeling lucky. We weren't quite as lucky as we thought. We then walk into a record store and a witchcraft place. Both of which were interesting.

We continue our journey and after walking a while longer we realize we no longer know where we are. I see Lake Street ahead and know that that leads somewhere familiar in uptown. We don't know whether to go right or left so Kevin chooses a number for each side, I pick 1, so we go left.

Left, turns out to be very shady. Everything is in foreign languages and the residents are all out and about on a Friday night. I have to go to the bathroom again so we stop in a Walgreens, unfortunately they don't have a bathroom.

So we walk into a White Castle. Everything seems empty and this guy is mopping, but doesn't look up to acknowledge us. We walk out and stand outside the door. We both start commenting about how fucking creepy the place was, and then I look at the door and see a sign that says "We're listening and watching you." We both laugh and decide to try again. We walk in and on the bathroom doors it says "For paying customers only." Kevin doesn't like White Castle and I don't want to spend money so we're both staring at the menu. The guy asks us what we want. I'm like "well I just have to go to the bathroom" and he's like "Okay I'll buzz you in". While I'm gone the girl practically harasses Kevin asking him if he wants to order before or after I'm done. I use this dirty bathroom that was obviously made when automatic was popular because everything was just crappy automatic. I get out, nobody is around, so Kevin and I run for it.

We continue left thinking it was going to get better, however, it doesn't. We almost get attacked by an orange cat running across the street. A creepy couple looks at us asking if it was "Couple's Walking Night" and we're like whatttt? We turn around, see some more shady people and finally get back to somewhat normalness.

Pretty soon I see Cheapo and know exactly where we are. We rejoice that we made it successfully to Uptown and celebrate by going to Jimmy John's in this Mall area of Uptown. We watch some odd people pass by us, including Uptown's finest hipsters, a teenage boy holding his mother's hand, and a guy telling us about how he's ordering wings at this other place, but wants to know how Jimmy John's is.

After we eat, rest our legs, and laugh about our adventure, we get on the 6U and go back to my dorm to watch Will & Grace. On the bus there was an old lady that fell asleep and was twitching and licking her lips and it was pure craziness. Kevin was laughing and commenting and once she was awake she kept looking at him as he was commenting. She was wearing a whole bunch of clothes that looked really comfortable. We couldn't stop laughing.

We get back to my dorm, watch Will & Grace, then Kevin leaves and I go to sleep.

This whole adventure takes about 6 hours for us to get to a familiar Uptown location, and a total of 8 hours after everything is over. 4pm-midnight.

Epic Day.

Now I'm at home in Southern Minnesota, enjoying laziness by watching The Minus Man and Pulp Fiction. I love Pulp Fiction so much. Tomorrow I have my Travel Clinic appointment. Woo hoo Venezuela.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring Break Woot Woot


I feel like I should get some kind of prize for making it through this crazy week.

Yesterday I had to tell a story in front of my Creative Writing class. I told about the time that I had to give a presentation in 6th grade, but forgot about it so I had to improv a Meow Mix commerical. We'll say it was my most embarassing moment ever.

So...I was really nervous for this and was in a "I hate the world" type of mood before class...so I decide to buy an energy drink and powerbar. I get SUPER hyper and it was awesome. Even Sajinee was scared. My Creative Writing teacher was laughing at me. Anyways, summary of story is all the energy made me forget about my nerves, tell the story fairly naturally, and make everyone laugh. It was the best presentation/speech/public speaking experience ever right next to the time I acted like Ms. Myran for a SnoDaze skit.

Last night I hung out with Andrew, Preston, and Ian in my dorm. We watched the Lady Gaga music video premiere and went to McDonald's at midnight. Pretty awesome.

Mmm...nothing else to talk about really so I will take this time for an advertisement:

I'm not sure how many people randomly stumble upon this or anything, BUT everyone should go to www.uofmrelayforlife.com and then do the follow tasks:

-Click Donate
-Search for Team: SPACO
-Click SPACO
-Donate to the Team the amount you want ($10 minimum I think) If you can give me credit for your donation somehow it would help me reach my "goal", but I guess that doesn't really matter to me because I'm not sure how to do it.

Anyways, I figured it would be a good opportunity to meet people in my major and do some volunteering. So...yeah...now I have to raise money. Woo hoo. I hate asking for money. So if you could just spread the word somehow that would be awesome.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crazy Week Without a Creative Title


Past few days news that I've been too busy to announce:

-Citizen Cope concert was crazy and led me to be a more aggressive person...something I've been meaning to change.

-The Oscars were both satisfying and disappointing. I'm just not the biggest fan of The Hurt Locker, but I won't judge.

-Mamma Mia was good. Though, it was very much a musical and I feel as if I am obligated to sneeze glitter now that I've seen it. Life changed.

-This week is crazy....literally, metaphorically, figuratively: Crazy. Mainly because I have a ridiculous amount of French assignments/tests/papers to do. Shoot me and I'd feel a little better.

-I'm over the fact that my mom freaks out when I act myself...which is a sarcastic, serious tone to my emails...I should learn sarcasm doesn't transfer in emails and she should learn not to take me completely seriously. In the end, I have bigger things to worry about than her calling me mean and spiteful.

-My Spanish teacher is going to write me a recommendation for a $2,000 study abroad scholarship. I'm surprised and happy, but that means I have to do work. Oh well.

-Ice Skating continues to be awesome. I went to Open Skate today. I'm still awkward and not good, but can sucessfully skate by myself and look decent for a brief amount of time. I also got a battle wound today...it looks epically gross.

-The fun little things are what is getting me through this week...if I motivate myself to get all my work done so I can go out and do something...it gets done quickly. My excuse tonight is that I'm going to finish watching the other half of The Dark Night...and Sajinee is going to come up and visit me.

-I feel as if I should be more stressed and worried than I am...I haven't decided whether this is good or bad, but tomorrow should give me the answer.

-Tomorrow I have to tell a story in front of my Creative Writing class. If you haven't heard the story of when I gave a commerical speech in 6th grade you should ask me...it's one of the better stories I can tell & also the most tragic moment of my life...or something close.

I wish you a happy Wednesday and Thursday. I LOVE YOUUUUU!!!!!! (To come off a little bit nicer than I probably sound) :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Not According to Plan, but Still Excellent


Yesterday was an awesome day. NOTHING went as planned except for the fact that I hung out with Branden & Kevin and that I saw Alice in Wonderland.

What ended up happening was that Kevin & I met up to go ice skating, but it turns up the syncronized skaters reserved the rink until 11pm. I mean what is that? Pshh. But, anyways, we met up with Branden and ended up playing badminton, which was really fun so much so that I didn't mind skipping the research study I was going to (Mike called anyways to cancel). We played with a bunch of random people who we were pretty sure were on some kind of team or in some kind of group. After we got kind of tired and hungry we sat on the side mats and watch the gymnastic team practice. There were some very attractive individuals and I'm sure they were creeped out by us staring, but it's there fault for practicing without shirts on. After that, Branden & I went to Cane's Chicken to eat then took his friend from high school to the megabus station downtown. Hmm...then we hung out in his room for a while and just chatted, Mike came up to visit, and then we later went to the Hard Rock Cafe and Alice in Wonderland, hung out in the 12th floor study lounge until 4 in the morning, then went to my dorm to have a sleepover.

I bought a really fancy drink at Hard Rock and apparently I bought the glass it came in without realizing it. So now I have a really fancy glass. Yay.

I'm doing laundry right now and I don't like it. I really just want to take a shower...but I have to wait for clothes.

Oh, my review of Alice in Wonderland isn't the greatest. I felt like it had a lot of potential and there were certain things I really liked about it, but overall there were a lot of unnecessary things. I would probably see it again eventually (not in theaters), but it's not on my favorite movie list. The first credits song also made my ears bleed a little bit. But, I will say that there were definately things that I liked a lot in it.

Tonight is Citizen Cope concert. I am excited. I love music so much. Oh, and Fleet Foxes is added on to by top 5 favorite bands by the way. I just love their songs as well as their music videos. I hope they come to Minneapolis in the next 3 years.

Well, lots to do and not a lot of time to do it so...yeah.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Finally Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooo Whooooo!

Excuse me. I had a Mocha with an Extra Shot on an empty stomach and I feel like my energy is shooting in all directions now. Anyways I'll try to make this as clear and fluent as possible.

The band Belle & Sebastian is working on a new album. This is super exciting. I love their music soooo much.

In other music news: This music video is one of my favorites ever--


It was the inspiration to a short story I wrote yesterday for Creative Writing. I have to say that it is the most awesome idea I have ever had for a short story (or at least I think anyways). It's not peaked to perfection yet so I'll wait to share it with you. But anyways...that video is so incredibly awesome. Love the song & the band.

I am currently the coordinator of 2 events I have going on today. I hate being coordinator because you have to keep track of people and be annoying. It's kind of stressful at the moment because the events are right after one another, but I know everything will work out so it's all good.

Ice skating today!! We'll see what I learned and see if I can be decent by myself today. I hope so.

In random news Branden & I as well as my Creative Writing teacher agree that Nice is not a personality trait. I thought it was kind of cool that that topic came up in Creative Writing after we discussed it at lunch on Wednesday. Anyways, don't refer to yourself as nice because everyone is nice on the surface. The End.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm....mmmm..mmm.m.m.m.m. I have a lot to say, but I realize that a lot of it is fairly boring so I'll just stop and leave you to your super epic weekend and I will begin my super epic weekend. Go see Alice In Wonderland. You know everyone is going to see it anyways...so let's all go see it so nobody feels bad about not seeing it. Citizen Cope concert tomorrow!!! Wooooo hooooo!!! The Oscars Sunday! Be there. Ohhhh Myyyy Goodddddddd...I apologize for the way in which caffine affects me. Let's just say goodbye now...


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Good Student Week Day 4 of 4


Good student week is going like any other week. I feel as if I'm doing assignments only as they need to be done...next week will be scary.

I've gained 3.5lbs of the 5 I need. This is exciting. The last 1.5 should be fairly easy. I'll call tomorrow...today is too busy.

I discovered yesterday I no longer like pixie sticks.

I apologize for not having a lot to say. I have lots to do.

Enjoy your day.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Good Student Week Day 2 of 4

...and so it begins: the 2 weeks of craziness. I really can't wait until Friday.

I like my French class a lot. Pretty much all the people there are people that I could hang out with outside of class even. Plus, we all work hard, so now our teacher is flexible with everything. She told us to give this one composition to her "sometime before or after Spring Break."

I realized yesterday that the past few months have actually happend. I feel as if one day I'm going to wake up in my bed at home and be told that I didn't get accepted to the U of M. My life seems so perfect right now that I find it hard to believe that it can be real. I've even lost the feeling of jealousy because I'm just so happy.

Weight gain is an absolute fail. I've only gained 2 pounds from my usual weight. I'll weigh myself Wednesday again and then I'll just call no matter what and just say I'm the weight I'm aiming for. It's not like I need the weight right away. Plus, I should find out how much money I'm getting from this anyways...I don't want to give blood unless it's for donating to people who need it or for lots of money.

Well...I have lots and lots to do. So I shall.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Good Student Week Day 1 of 4


It is officially Good Student Week on my part. I will dedicate Monday-Thursday as no activity days...or try my very best.

Yesterday was a good day. I met some new people at Casa and spoke good Spanish (which doesn't always happen). Then I went to Macbeth and I liked it. There were a lot of parts I really liked and a lot of parts I really didn't...sooo overall I just liked it.

This last weekend I have been trying to gain weight so I can participate in this research study which requires me to have a certain BMI. I have to say that gaining weight is just as hard as losing it...I guess I don't have a scale to judge yet, but I feel like all the weight I thought I put on this weekend seemed to have disappeared. I also have plans to go to the gym tonight that I would feel guilty and unhealthy for skipping...how awkward. I'll be in the research study no matter what though. I still have some time.

Today I've been listening to my itunes on shuffle...I'm impressed with the stuff I've downloaded but not listened to or haven't heard in a long time.
Some recommendations:
"Bowl of Oranges" by Bright Eyes
"Run" Ben Kweller
"Beanbag Chair" Yo La Tengo
"I Haven't Seen Her in Ages" Maximo Park
"Open Book" Mates of State
"Separate the People" Mates of State
"Ha Ha" Mates of State
***Pretty much anything by Mates of State***

There are others, but I think that's good for now...

Good luck with your week. I'll need it in mine.
Adios! :)