Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dark Chocolate Ho Ho Mint Mocha

I had the perfect blend of espresso & chocolate delicousness! Mochas are by far one of my most favorite things on this Earth.

I also have Energy Energy Energy. Not the greatest thing at 1am when you are home in a quiet house.

I also spent time with Josh by day and Ana by night and Nathan in between that. Love them all. My time with Ana was particularily wonderful. We laugh so much and can talk forever. We spent a long time in Caribou chatting and chatting.

Yesterday I filled out an eHarmony questionaire because it's free and I was curious what kind of people they would set me up with. I didn't realize there are such great guys in Minneapolis that are indeed interested in women. Perhaps someday I will meet one. In the meantime I don't have the money or the care to chat with these matches unless for some reason I figure out how to do it for free...and even then I find it kind of odd.

I don't like driving on snowy roads, but taking pictures in the snow is fun. Josh & I took some fun pictures I enjoy.

I like turning up my music in the car and singing really loud. Not many people get to witness it.

If you had a mouse in your house you would trap it.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hey, It's Almost 2010

I'm going to end this year with a whole bunch of awesome.
2009 has been my favorite year of my life.

However, I will make it a goal to make 2010 even better.

Today was the first day I actually thought about the date.
I keep forgetting New Years is Thursday.

I have nothing of interest to say.
For that I apologize.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Misses & Wants, Wishes & Pants

I've noticed I'm a lot different than I used to be.
Some things look less appealing,
However, I find myself to be real and happy.

I have to say it because it's really really true.
I miss Minneapolis.
I miss the awesome people.
I miss the daily & nightly activites.
I even miss classes.

Things will get better here,
But for now I have been laying around the house
Bored out of my mind...

On the bright side I haven't been on my computer much.
Snaps for me.

I really want to read a book and I really want to write a book.
I really want to laugh until I cry
And dance until I fall over.
Some of these things might happen over a break,
Except that whole writing a book thing...

I'm going to Venezuela this summer.
It's official in my book.

Fashionable People doing Questionable Things...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Two Posts for One Day

So, I did none of the things I said I would. And now I am on blog number two for today. I just thought I would put up a video because I haven't done that in a while. It's hard to draw and videotape, but I thought it looked cool.

Also, I noticed something on facebook. Something I knew might bother me when the time came and something I knew was coming. However, it's a very good thing. A very very good thing. I'm just a little jealous I guess? Or something a long those lines... I wish I could manage to find a guy that I could see myself in a relationship with. But, ah, we already know this is hopeless in the moment. However, I've been having the time of my life...why do I have to get greedy? The time will come and that's all I have to accept. Maybe in the year 2010 I will trip into the arms of my prince charming. For now I am happy. And, it is official that he has moved on which is what I have wanted for a little less than a year now.

Hmmm...I'm sorry for my rambling. I guess I just needed my thoughts printed and I'm too lazy to keep a diary.

The top picture, which I failed to get down my sweet new leggings I got for Christmas. I'm also wearing an awesome dress, but I that wasn't the point of the picture...I wanted an artsy picture...

Well, that is officially all I have for you tonight. I'm sure I will have a lot on my mind the next few days. Especially if I don't get out of this house and do something! =) Ciao.


I had forgot what boredom feels like.
I am now reminded and I'm not a fan.
I hope tomorrow is different, but the odds of that are unlikely.

I hate wasting time.
Maybe I'll watch a movie or read a book?

We'll see what the night brings...

Today did not feel like Christmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Eve of Christmas

I never want to accomplish all my goals.
I never want to run out of things to discover.
I never want to stop having fun.
This is what I've realized my life is made of along with a lot of amazing friends and a wonderful family.

I'm loving the relaxation,
But missing my busy life.

I've been thinking of a lot of memories of old friends.
I can't wait to relive some of them over break.

I don't celebrate Christmas until the 27th because my mom is working...
Super Lame.

Though, I do wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Life is Beautiful.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Family Time

I have felt the essence of family at my house.

Yesterday the smell of homemade bread filled the air as I sipped my tea. Curling up in a blanket in a comfy chair while watching trashy TV and talking about my college experiences with my mom. Then we watched Julie and Julia. I was reminded how bad I want to visit France and how much I wish I could cook delicious food.

Today I went shopping with my mom before the snow came. It's always fun discussing good books and movies with her. Riding with her in the car and listening to her be dramatic about everything.

I got home and watched two very good movies: Expiration Date and Viva Cuba.

My mom, my dad, and I then played three games of Masterpiece (the game that pretty much is our family tradition). We laughed to the point of tears, ate truffles and cheese & crackers, and listened to a CD I made. It felt like a moment in a movie where everything is just perfect. I love my family in moments like these.

Now I'm watching (500) Days of Summer with my mom.

I'm really disappointed I couldn't make it to Briana's Party because of the large amount of snow coming, but I figured it wasn't worth it to argue with my parents. I have a long break and will get another opportunity. I really miss some people.

I'll get sick of my family soon, but for now it's practically movie perfect and I hope it stays this way until the weather gets better. I'm very comfortable and am enjoying a relaxing time with delicious food, beautiful movies, TV, and just everything I need in the moment.

Soon I will get the busy schedule going again.

I love my life.

I miss my friends.

My mom asked me to burn her a CD...1/2 is my beautiful Indie/Relaxing Music and 1/2 is Lady Gaga. I didn't picture my mom to be a Lady Gaga person, but it's an interesting fact.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Future Set In Stone

This is where I am going to work in some amount of years.

I'm going to be fluent in 7+ languages including English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

I'm going to volunteer abroad all over the world.

I'm getting my Master's in New York while I become best friend's with the UN's HR Department.

I now have my future set in stone and am going to do everything to get there. I like that idea. =)
This weekend was a good one.

Tomorrow I have a meeting, a final, and girl's night...


I think yes.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Andrew & Krista go to Bobby and Steve's Auto World

My Humanities course introduced me to a new type of religion that I could see myself taking bits and pieces from, but not completely conforming to. It's called Stoicism.

The emphasis in stoicism is on virtue rather than pleasure for inner peace. It focuses on being passive on anything emotional because being emotional doesn't necessarily solve your problems. By focusing on those things that are within his power--his own will and perception--and detaching himself from the things that are not--health, death, the actions of others, natural disasters, and so on--he attains the inner peace of the wise and just man.

I really like certain ideas about this "religion" and certain things I find absolutely ridiculous.

I will share some quotes from the book Meditations by Marcus Aurelius every now and then that I think is actually worth something.

In other news, I only have my Spanish final left and I have a feeling that it will be easy. My French final was harder than I imagined, but I should get the grade I need I hope. Two more days and I can stop thinking about school for a long time.

I have two volunteer jobs for next semester! One I am going to a meeting for on Monday at 11am. I need to figure out St. Paul by myself. Hopefully I can do it.

I went to a fun Christmas party in Maple Grove. I discovered there is another person added to my dislike list, but I discovered there are a lot of other people I really do like. In other news competitive/theatrical Catch Phrase is scary.

The Princess and the Frog is an excellent movie. I miss the classic animated Disney movies.

Today I am going shopping at Mall of America. I'm excited.

I wish you luck in your life!

"Do not let the future disturb you, for you will arrive there."

"Do not waste the remainder of your life in thoughts about others."

"Pain is neither intolerable nor everlasting if you bear in mind that it has its limits, and if you add nothing to it in imagination."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Psych Final Today!

Psych Final Today at 1:30pm!!!

If I get 40% I get a C+
If I get 50% I get a B-
If I get a 60% I get a B-
If I get a 70% I get a B

(before the curve)

I don't expect to get anything higher and if it's anything around 80% or lower I still get a B. I am very pleased with these odds considering the worst I've ever done is 58%.

Now, I'm very aware you don't care, but this will be the hardest of all my exams and it is the only thing on my mind today before 2pm besides laundry and a shower.

Yesterday was a VERYYYY good day. I will leave it at that.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pooping Keychain

Today I hung out with my favorite Sanford people.
This will definately be happening more.

I haven't been studying like I should.
I did, however, watch 2 disney movies in Spanish. I feel like it helped something.
I'll start studying tonight...or at least French and Humanities.

Tomorrow is my last day of Humanities and I FOR SURE get my paper back! Yay.

I also contacted the volunteer people at Casa de Esperanza and Centro Cultural Chicano. I hope they both email me back saying I can volunteer next semester. I will put my Spanish skills to good use.

I really enjoyed today.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Did Not Meet My Expectations

Today did not go as expected.

I did not have my French Oral exam because my teacher is sick.
I did not get my paper back for reasons unknown.
Lunch was terrible.

It's okay though because I think tomorrow will be a good one. Maybe?

The rest of my week looks like this:

Tuesday: French Presentation, French Oral Exam, Spanish Oral Exam
Wednesday: French Listening Exam, Spanish Listening Exam, Humanities Quiz
Thursday: Psychology Final
Friday: French Final
Monday: Spanish Final

In other news, I have been watching cartoons in French and it has actually been helping me out a lot.

I will survive.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Fractured Narrative for a Sad Ending

My. Brain. Hurts.
I have a headache

I had a good weekend.
I laughed in the romance section of Barnes & Noble
I saw Invictus-a very inspiring movie.
I saw beautiful dancing.
I danced in front of a camera.

Words are meaningless when they are forced.
I don't want to read 99 pages nor 500 pages...
But, I'm sure I will.

You are in control of your destiny. You control your soul.
As for now, my destiny is good grades.

I speak French decently. Tomorrow I hope my grade reflects that.

Sometimes you make me smile. Sometimes you break my heart.
Forever you will be testing its strength because I need you.

How long is forever?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dreams May Come True

Just a little update on my life: I am in an excellent mood.
The weather is fabulous--despite being only 10 degrees.
I have managed to be fairly productive so far today.
I am almost done with the semester!
Good things keep happening.

I have calculated out what I believe my grades will end up being. I am satisfied if my predictions are correct or better than correct.

I keep daydreaming about getting 50/50 on my Humanities essay and every daydream ends with me passing out due to happiness or me smiling the rest of my life. Now, keep in mind, this probably won't happen...but I enjoy the thought. I can actually aim for just getting the same score I usually get and still end up with a semi-decent grade for this ridiculously difficult class. Monday is the day I will know.

French I feel like dying because I have so much to do. There are actually 320 points I still have to attempt to get. I find this a bit ridiculous.

Psych I have to pretty much re-read the entire book to study for my final I will probably do terrible on...however, I am very optimistic. I also daydream of getting 100% on this test resulting in the same reaction. It never happens, but dreams do come true sometimes.

Spanish is almost over. Nothing terrible to say about it.

I apologize for boring you with another rambling of my schedule, grades, homework, etc., but it's all that will be on my mind for 10 more days so just roll with it. I have developed an 11 day plan. So far I'm a bit behind, but also accomplished what I did in a reasonable amount of time so I'm not worried.

Best Wishes to You on this glorious Friday! Fa lalalala la la la la.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today I took a nap.
It was the greatest thing I did all week.

Today I counted that I have 8 days until the end of the semester. This sounds managable until I count all the things I have to accomplish in those 8 days.

So instead I will think of it as:
-3 Finals
-2 Oral Exams
-1 Presentation
-1 Online Quiz
-4 Online Assignments
-1 Book
-1 Quiz

I can do it!

In other news the best advice I have for myself and for you is to not overthink things, take everything one step at a time, and DON'T STRESS.

That's all.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

That's All

I have lost my creativity so I can stop writing things that sound good, but really don't say a lot about me.

The past few days and the coming days have been quite stressful, but yet I've maintained a very good mood about it all.

I turned in my humanities paper today. I feel it went well, but he might think differently.

I enjoy good discussion. It's very satisfying. Thank-you.

I also enjoy good food. My dinners have been terrible because I've been promising myself I will avoid spending time with people so I get stuff done, which leads me to eat crap from the microwave. This evening I forgot I am out of Ramen so I filled up a bowl with water and put it in the microwave. Once I realized I didn't have Ramen I was left with a bowl of really hot water. I was surprised at the temperature and accidentally spilled it on myself, burning my hands and cursing at my life. The End.

I'm not sure how I feel about this weather yet. I enjoy snow, but hate the cold. I really want the warm fluffy snow.

I watch Garfield and notice how much they speak Spanish randomly. It's true.

I repeat, I've lost all creative energy so I hope you didn't expect this to be a good story.

That's all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lost in the Snow

She had been wandering among them for weeks now without showing the slightest glimpse into her life. It didn't matter, however, because nobody seemed to care. Everyone was going about their daily tasks, rushing to classes, and doing meaningless busywork.

If they were to stop to take just one careful look they would notice her blonde hair beginning to turn as white as the snow piling up on the ground beneath, her eyes turning a lighter shade of blue like the ice she walked upon, and her lips red from the burning wind blowing her hair into her face.

No one would care to notice that after wandering for weeks the girl was lost without memory of who she was or where she was going. Many wouldn't notice because they were trapped in the same world in which all you can do is pretend and all you do is worry.

She did not show her confusion, but rather went about with a dignified walk as if she new exactly where life was taking her. She would swipe the snowcovered hair out of her face and look straight forward. But, as she looked ahead she could see nothing but a white sheet of snow blurring her vision.

Monday, December 7, 2009

La Brisa

Beautiful winter air creeps in through the screen as I open my window.
The hot air that smothers me escapes and disappears.
My tired eyes are refreshed with that soothing wind.

La brisa del invierno lindo acaricia mi piel.
El aire lleno de vapor se desaparece.
Mis ojos cansados se despiertan con la brisa suave.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Darkest Crevice

I often find myself lost within the darkest crevice of my mind clawing to hang on. In this world pretending is impossible and everything I desire to be I am.

When I'm taken back to the place where nothing is ever exactly how I want it to be, I notice all the fakeness in this world. Every move I make becomes an insecurity; every step is an opportunity to judge.

I would love to bring my dream to the surface and be exactly how I imagine myself. I find that too far from my reach when people are telling me how I am. Change has an expiration date and the change I desire has been hiding in places I cannot see, waiting to disappear forever.

I miss the sweet taste of innocence soothing my tongue and the beautiful breeze of carelessness wrapping itself around me.

Now, I walk among the people I know, waiting for the day I'm forever trapped in a world of strangers. They will be unaware of who I was or who people told me I was. It will be the day I can stop trying to breathe and just let it happen.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Chit Chat

I chatted with a stranger for around 5 or 6 hours...
I'm pretty sure if I were to meet him in person we could call each other best friends.
I promise I won't keep chatting with strangers for I know of the dangers,
But I get bored.

My eyes are burning.
I'm tired.
I get to sleep in tomorrow!

I am officially a Spanish/Portuguese major as you know.
And, as I believed, a whole bunch of opportunites just opened up.
I am way ahead of the game and I like it that way.

United Nations here I come.


Thursday, December 3, 2009


Just a couple of quick updates before I go declare my major... =)

-In the Heights was so epic I'm probably going to see it a second time this weekend.
-I am pleased with the classes I am signed up for, but not pleased with the times they are at.
-I don't have class until 4:40 tomorrow...this makes me really happy.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beginning December


I'm glad you are hear for me when I am not there for myself.
I'm glad your knowledge surpasses my own.
I'm glad you are easy to understand.
I'm glad I have you dearest Sparknotes.

Today was a rather lame start to December.
Some things went good.
Some things did not.
I am done with certain things for the semester.
I have yet to start others.

Registration tomorrow is going to be a whore.
If it turns out to be good and I get lucky,
Then I will gladly take that back,
But until then I stand firm in my belief.

I used to have my entire future planned out
Practically day by day for the rest of my life.
Now I know just a couple of things:
I will travel the world.
I will become an interpreter & writer.
I will live in a big city.
I will have a nice house.
I will live my life with peace and love.
The rest is up in the air
And I think I like it better that way.

Many creepers come out on Tuesday afternoons
And I'm pretty sure they all flock to one website.
I did however meet one normal person
Who also noticed the large amount of creepers out and about.
This website will not become a habit. Omegle.

Tonight is my last night as a shut-in
In order to get ahead on my homework.
It was a successful two days.

Tomorrow I will be In the Heights.

Good luck with your December