Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rainbow In the Dark

Hello Lovely,

Another successful day completed. I spoke French & German in Spanish 4, I watched a Flight of the Conchords episode in Study Hall, I was actually useful in Peer Tutoring Spanish 2, and Mr. Kohutko told funny stories in Statistics.

Ms. Swanson also said to me "...Pues Carmen tiene un novio." and I responded...." tengo un novio"...and her mouth actually made me laugh how shocked she was...she asked if I was triste...and my inner thought was "no, i'm happy", but I responded "a little"...oh well.

JDK also claims that if I was a superhero I would be Mystery Woman. I agree. It twould be awesome.

I did the same workout as yesterday. I improved my time by 2.5 minutes. That makes me happy.

I read the entire 1st volume of Frankenstein today (which was the required reading)...Mary Shelley used the word lovely 4 times in one chapter. Mary Shelley and I would be good friends. That tis my favorite word.

I have spent an entire week planning out how to make tomorrow a good Thursday...I made plans...they sound fun...I'm excited...and I hope nothing goes wrong.

I have had my mind on 2 somethings a lot lately. I wish I knew how to deal with them. One something I will take care of sometime soon even though I want to just ignore it forever...the other something might start unraveling itself sometime's a good something, but it creates complications, so we'll see how that goes.

I'll leave you with the image of young, middle-school Kohutko trying to light a cigarette with a stove burner and scorching his eyebrows.


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