Friday, October 30, 2009

Army of Darkness
Hey. Do me a favor and just go to that website. You don't even need to stay on it that long. If I get enough people to go to it then I win free tickets to In the Heights. I had just given up because my friend is in 1st and I thought that was good enough, BUT he told me to keep doing it so now I changed my mind.
Enough with that though.
I saw Army of Darkness tonight, and can I say that it was the best worst movie I ever saw. Well, maybe not the best, but it made me laugh a lot.
Tomorrow my parents are visiting. I'm actually looking forward to this a lot. Not only do I get lots of stuff I asked for, but also they're pretty nice people. I think the distance really helped the whole relationship thing and I like it. I also get a TV/DVD player/Cable tomorrow...woo hoo!
It's gross outside and I don't approve.
I saw a gumby and gorilla was freaky in the dark...I thought they were going to rape me, but I survived.
Remember to check out that website.
Go to it again if you must:
Thank-you for your awesome assistance. And thank-you to random people who read this. I'm glad you enjoy my words and blog decorations.
Happy Halloween. Tomorrow.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beautiful Rain

Today it's raining, but I have had an amazing day so it doesn't really matter. I kind of enjoy listening to music that fits this weather and relaxing in my room.

I rearranged my room yesterday so I have twice the amount of space. It is so awesome. Next week I'll have everything I need and I'll take pictures.

Today James, Jon, Libby, and I performed a little skit for French class that made my day. We were overly enthusiastic about everything and the plot included Jon wanting to get stamps...this was our script:

Jon: Bonjour. Je besoins de timbres!
James: Nous pouvon a le bureau de post dans la ville.
Libby: Bon idee!
Me: Comment allons-nous en ville?
Libby: Nous pouvons prendre la bus!
*enthusiastic face*

I really love our French class. Everyone in there is a decent person and there are a lot of above decent people.

I don't have any homework I have to do tonight, however, I do have a super busy week next week so I will probably be trying to stay ahead. I have one more class to attend. Yay Spanish!

Have a beautiful Thursday.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The bottom one is my interpretation of the one above it. It was done with pencil, pen, and markers.

I love drawing. Really only when I feel like it though because I don't have a lot of patience to take a lot of time.

I had a good day if you're curious. I won't go into detail tonight.

I'm either going to bed or going to read some Psych.

We'll see what happens...


Monday, October 26, 2009

Travaillais Le Coin de La Rue

It starts again...
Trabajaba la esquina used to be one of those things in Spanish that made me laugh.
I now figured out that Travaillais le coin de la rue means the same thing in French.
It doesn't sound nearly as funny, but it's the idea behind it that counts.
Today was probably one of the most productive weekdays overall I've ever had.
I started off my morning at 7:30 by getting ready: taking a shower, getting dressed, putting on my face, etc.
I then started laundry.
While I waited for laundry I started reading my Humanities assignment and cleaned.
I went to French.
I got back and switched the laundry over.
I went upstairs and finished my humanites reading, did dishes, and got my stuff ready.
I then brought the laundry up and put it away.
Quickly looked over Psychology and took some notes from the online lectures.
I walked to Middlebrook and had dinner with Mike.
Studied for Psychology in the lounge.
Took a Psychology test.
Walked to Humanities.
Got coffee.
Walked to Spanish.
Class got out early and I went back, ate some fake chinese food, did my Spanish online assignments, did my Spanish paper, texted a friend, took a Psych quiz, read my Psych discussion assignment, and studied French.
I will now either continue homework and get ahead or not...
I did decent on my Psych test...much better than before, but still not satisfying to my expectations (76%) next time I will definately have an 83% or higher. I've decided. I also had coffee today, which I'm pretty sure made my evening really good because I got a lot of energy. Getting out of Spanish early and getting so much accomplished also helped my mood dramatically. Overall a very good day for no truly valid reasons in my book. I will make this week a fun one because I've just decided I will get ahead...then I will have fun fun fun the rest of the week...I miss those weeks.
Sorry this is a little lame. I don't feel like being creative. One of these days I will.
I can't wait for unknown events.
I am a very happy person now.
Oh, and by the by...feel free to comment in my little box...write me a message or something...I'm not sure...but you can.
Hasta Later.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I Feel Way Too Much Like Sunday...

Why am I trying so hard for something I probably don't want.
Why has my mind convinced me it will be better for me.
Why am I beginning to think differently of you.
It's only going to break your heart,
But I find it better to keep trying...
Just in case...
Hey. It's me again.
I had a really good weekend.
Now that Sunday has arrived, it is crappy again.
I hate Sundays.
The lighting is usually weird. The air is usually awkward.
And, you know there's a lot to do and a full week ahead.
Why is it so confused on its identity also?
Is it the last day of the week or the first day of the week?
Because it is referred to as a part of the weekend.
Yet, is classically defined as the first day of the week.
Sunday is just an awkward day.
Friday and Saturday were quite similar.
Friday I spent most of the day with Andrew.
We went shopping at Target.
I carried 2 cases of his Cherry Coke Zero back and he carried 2 and a grocery bag.
It was a successful trip for him,
And both our arms were sore.
Then we hung out, partied, left a party, joined a party, and then we walked.
Saturday I went shopping at MOA with Andrew, Preston, and Mike.
It was fun, but shopping too long hurts my head...and that's what we did.
But, again, it was fun.
We went to Jimmy John's and then Mike, Andrew, and I watched a couple of movies.
And I stayed overnight at Andrew's dorm.
Now I am left with Sunday.
I have laundry and dishes to do
And lots of studying to do for Psychology...
I have a test tomorrow...
A test I am just bound to not do well on...
Because they are rude people.
I had a conversation with a person
And I acted differently...
I don't think that's a good idea,
But it works for now...
I know we are never meant to be...I know.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Queen Frostine

So I know what I'm going to be for Halloween: Queen Frostine from Candyland. I'm doing a bit of my own interpretation, but generally speaking it will be awesome.

This will be super fun.

Wish me luck.

7 Days before I have a TV! Yay! Movie Night will be epic I hope.

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Mi Me Cae Bien El Chocolate

Several things about the past two days have been really good and rather bad.
We'll start with the bad because that's how things work:

Yesterday I did homework all day.
Today I had a surprise listening quiz in French and I'm sure did terrible...or around a C probably...which is pretty close to terrible. Plus, I got a C on that composition essay that I said I would do good on. Fail prediction.

On the bright side of things I read 2 1/2 chapters of Psych and took 2 quizzes. This is amazing because the chapters are long and the quizzes are incredibly difficult. I didn't complete my goal, but I feel much better about myself.
I also discovered yesterday after taking my Spanish test that I really love Spanish. It wasn't even that I felt super great about how well I did...even though I'm pretty sure I did good. I just really love Spanish. It reassures that I'm doing the right thing because I have never felt this way about any other subject except possibly when I would look at really good Interior Design when I wanted to be an Interior Designer.

Today in French there was a couple of presentations. In one they gave us fancy deli chocolate and mousse. It. Was. Delicious. God, I love chocolate.

Tonight I might be going to target for a Halloween costume and then at 10:30 going to a Music/Dance Party in Middlebrook which I'm super excited for!

I still have lots of homework to complete that I didn't get to last night...
And for that I will leave you.

Today I will go puddle jumping...and not for fun.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Life Story In the Form of Music

Today I didn't want to do homework so instead I went on facebook.
I was creeping on one person after another and found this note.
It was one of those where you put your ipod on shuffle and come up with your life story.
I went ahead and did it and wasn't pleased. Though it did make me laugh because everything was all mixed up.
I came up with my own:

Opening Credits:
"Jennifer's Jacket" Presidents of the United States
(I don't understand either, but it would be funny)
Waking Up:
"Beautiful" Social Code
(I will wake up dancing in front of a mirror in my movie...that's just fact)
First Day of School:
"Loser" Beck
(I have no reasoning behind this)
Falling in Love:
"Falling In Love At The Coffee Shop" Landon Pigg
(Yeahhh I'll have one serious moment where I fall in love and share an epic kiss at a coffee shop)
Fight Song:
"Kung Fu Fighting" Carl Douglas
(I'm thinking of an epic battle here...epic...just saying)
Breaking Up Song:
"I've Seen Better Days" Citizen Cope
(I don't do the sad breakup thing...there will be dancing)
Prom Song:
"We Want The Funk" Parliament
(I've always wanted to dance to this song...why not at prom)
Life Theme:
"Another Sunny Day" Belle & Sebastian
(I'm a very happy person)
Mental Breakdown:
"Albi the Racist Dragon" Flight of the Concords
(Mental Breakdown means crazy right?)
"Ground Control To Major Tom" David Bowie
(Another person will be in the car with me and we will sing together and it will be epic...true story)
"Be Nice to Animals" The Salteens
(Ha...I picture my parents or grandparents teaching me a valuable lesson in a zoo even though this never really happend...)
Sex Scene:
"I'm Too Sexy" Right Said Fred
(Dancing and Stripping will be involved)
Wedding Scene:
"Whip It" Devo
(We will make an awesome couple...)
Birth of a Child:
"Raising My Family" Steve Kekana
(I picture an awkward car scene with me and my husband stopped at a stoplight and both look in the backseat at a child smiling...and we both have the facial expressions of "what the hell are we doing".
Final Battle:
"Who's Gonna Save My Soul" Gnarls Barkley
(Again, with the epic battle...pretty sure I'm going to fight off robots or something)
Death Scene:
"Last Living Souls" Gorillaz
(The World Dies With Me except the robots)
Funeral Song:
"Robots" Flight of the Concords
(Yeahhh the song explains everything)
End Credits:
"Marina Gasolina" Bonde Do Role
(I just really like this song...I will be dancing in a little box in the top right corner)
I suggest you listen to all those songs while reading my notes about them. It will be an epic comedy...and everyone will laugh.
Today is a good day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good Day/Buen Dia/Bon Jour

I changed my major.
Nothing dramatic, but it added on more classes.
I am now a Spanish & Portuguese major with a French minor.
I then began to plan out the next 4 years and realized that I have to start taking Portuguese next semester.
My advisor will call me stupid for taking 3 languages at once,
But I don't really care what she thinks of me.
Next semester will be fun.
Today was a really good day.
I woke up and found out I did good on my French test that I did minimal studying for.
I got a package from Susan Draves.
I skipped Psychology to study for Spanish.
I turned in my Humanities paper and it was a relief.
I took an easy Spanish test.
I finally started crossing things off my list so I'm less stressed.
I planned out my future and feel really happy about it.
I'm pretty sure I have an in class French composition tomorrow.
This is okay because I got 10/10 on the composition part of my test.
But, I must study anyways.
Take the short route because it might be longer than you thought.
I hope your bed is as soft as a bunch of baby bunnies.
Je peux parler francais tres bien. Je veux estudier francais dans la universitaire. Maintenaunt je veux dormir.
Aujourd' hui il fait froid et il pleut. Je n'aime pas le temps froid.
Mi routine c'est: d'abord je me leve. Ensuite, me douche. Puis, me habille. Apres me maquille. Enfin me brosse les dents.
Demain je vais a estudier, manger avec Mike, aller a las classes, et estudier psychologie parce que c'est tres difficile.
That is all I can think of...thanks for reading.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Not Yours, Not Mine

I find it interesting how people can be possessive of other people
And when people treat people as objects.
I often find myself feeling as if I know someone better than someone else
Or feeling as if they like me more.
But, the truth is that is a bit ridiculous.
Because I hate it when people feel possessive over me.
I don't like the feeling that someone thinks they know you so well
They try to use it to their own advantage.
Today I will attend an optional meeting.
This meeting is about what I want to do with the rest of my life.
Specifically my exact career.
I'm looking forward to this.
I hope to someday be the best.
Right now I am not the best at anything.
I can accept that because not many people are.
Sometimes it seems we need words of encouragement.
So I will say you are good at what you do
And you can be whatever you want to be.
Sometimes I just don't think that's enough.
But, it won't stop me.
So don't let it stop you.
I wish I could curl up in your arms and sleep.
That sounds nice.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mon Ami

Bonjour! Ca va mon ami? J'ai un examen demain.
Qu'est-ce que vous faites ce soir? Je vais a etudier. Je ne peux aller au cinema ou faire du sport. Quel dommage!
Quel temps fait-il? Il fait beau et du soleil. C'est l'automne. J'aime l'automne.
Aujourd'hui je vais a manger en Middlebrook avec Mike. Apres je vais a aller a la classe. Enfin je vais a faire du se coucher.
That is my French. I have learned so much yet know nothing. I need a lot of help for my test tomorrow...and by help I mean I need to study. I have so much to do this week.
I had an amazing week last week. Actually from right around the 8th of October until today I have done something fun. That's really good and really bad for obvious reasons. But, I am confident that everything will be completed.
You can count on me practicing my French a lot here because I really need to practice and I think it looks beautiful.
This is my "good student" week in which I will be a good student.
The End.
P.S. I got cake for my birthday.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey there.

So...tomorrow is my birthday. Actually, at 1:33am is my birthday (which is still tomorrow).

I think birthdays are awkward and pointless, but I still love them. Why? I haven't quite figured that out. I'm not a huge fan of being the center of attention, but it is always nice to have people care about you just a little bit more than the average day. It's how I imagine it would be like to be famous (translation: LOTS of facebook notifications). Cake is good, but I never get that anymore sadly. You also get to do more stuff every year without it being looked down upon.

So,what do I gain this year with my age of wisdom? Glad you ask because 19 is a beautiful age of nothingness that I still feel like I'm gaining a lot for. I didn't think I had anything at all this year, but while I was looking up stuff for curing upper respiratory flu (because that's what I have had for a few days now) I came across "In the United States the Food and Drug Administration recommends that aspirin should not be given to children under 19 years of age during episodes of fever." So, I'm now in the clear for that. Even though I don't take aspirin it's nice to know that I can do something other people can't (muahaha aspirin during a fever). Chris Polansky told me I can buy cigarettes in New Jersey now...I don't smoke, but at least I know I can when I'm chilling outside the Newark airport.

Today I began my pre-celebration by going to Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter. Quite good I must say. I laughed a lot and it was the type of entertaining where you just want to keep watching. I thought the audience was annoying. I was disappointed in Minneapolis for that. The Pantages theater is so beautiful though. I really want to go skydiving.

Tomorrow I continue celebrating by attending class (woo hoo) or at least 1 or 2 of the 3. Then I'm going to Faith Healer at the Guthrie with Andrew. Then going to Where the Wild Things are with a few people. I'm super excited.

I like you, and Budda too.
I hope your un-birthday treats you well.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What I Know That You Don't Know That I Think You Should Know

Everything has taken a turn
Life is still a little off balance
I've never loved it so much.

I have mountains upon mountains of things to do,
Yet I know they will somehow get done.

I've decided the route of the road of life.
I'm not sure what the scenery looks like,
But I know the end is exactly how I want it to be.

I spoke ill of him and he responded.
The subject was covered in dust,
But has once again been uncovered.

Today I got from Switzerland to Narnia
And Krista to Twilight.
Just a fun little game.

I need things.
Things like posters.

It's my birthday this Friday.
I'm excited.
Wednesday Through Saturday and maybe Sunday
Will be Epic.

I want you to listen to yourself
And decide whether I like what you're saying
Because sometimes you make me sad.
But a part of me doesn't care at all.

Snails actually have thousands of teeth.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

To The Limit of my Mind

There's no end in sight.

135 pages of Psych reading and counting...
3 online quizzes...
11 pages of Humanities reading...
1 hour of studying for French...
3 loads of laundry...
10+ French online assignments...
1 essay to make corrections on...
Endless studying...

Yet, there's still no end in sight...

I will continue my Psychology reading...then take a practice test.
And soon I will be prepared for this scary week.

2 exams...
2 meetings...
6+ online assignments...
1 book to read...
1 essay exam to begin...

I will continue on my reading journey...
Have a nice Monday.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lessons At Learning

I attempted to come up with a top 10 list of my favorite bands, but instead came up with a list of my top 20. These are in no particular order (I also made sure to represent each one of them in my blog playlist):

-Sufjan Stevens
-The New Pornographers
-Band of Horses
-The Flaming Lips
-Sondre Lerche
-Dr. Dog
-Yo La Tengo
-The Decemberists
-Peter Bjorn and John
-Okkervil River
-The Shins
-Belle & Sebastian
-Rogue Wave
-The Offspring
-Citizen Cope
-Matt Costa
-The Mountain Goats

I had a really awesome Friday. By day I saw my best friend Josh Draves-Kellerman and by night I hung out with Andrew Buckholtz and met a bunch of people. It was really fun...both day and night.
I've decided if I were to go back to meet any person/people in history they would be Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. I had heard this response to this question earlier in my life and thought it was super lame, but I didn't truly appreciate anything in that time. Taking Humanities in the West has completely changed my opinion on history. By the end of the class I have a feeling I will have my beliefs pretty much in order because today was the beginning of something good.
I've learned a lot in the past month. Things I knew in the back of my mind already, but never appreciated. One being there is always somebody better than me and somebody worse than me. Two being I am a unique person with many unique traits, but in the grand scheme of the University I am not unique at all. Three being I will never have another day in my life with nothing to do. And of course there are many more things, but those are the main ones I can think of off the top of my head.
I love the way things are because I like a challenge.
I wouldn't change anything.
Hope you have a Super Sunday...
I'll be doing homework all day just like I did today.
But, it's okay because it will result in being more prepared than last week.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Beautiful October

October has arrived.
The month of the year.
The month where everything happens.
The month where I turn 19.
I can't wait.
This weekend will be good.
I spend time with an old friend.
I spend time with new friends.
I have a French Oral Exam tomorrow,
A Psych exam on Monday
And a French Exam on Tuesday.
My partner and I are going to kill the oral exam in a good way.
I suck at pronounciation, but I practiced!
I did pretty well on my first two exams: Spanish & French.
That makes me happy.
I'm sensing college grades and I will get along just fine.
Today I had a love-hate relationship with the rain.
I love sitting inside and watching it
And going outside for a short walk.
But, I hateee walking to class in it.
But, I survived, and today was a decent day.
My plan is coming together quite nicely.
Perhaps you will understand on a later date.
In the meantime, I now have 3,336 songs on my itunes.
I've found myself to have a music addiction
And I love it.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Live your life beautifully.