Monday, August 31, 2009

The Magical Cat

Today I saw a cat.
It was the same cat I swear.
Only it was in two different towns,
Once at my house and once in Lake City.
How is this possible?
I'm not sure.
But, I looked up the meaning of cats in dreams,
And they mean bad luck.
Is it ironic I lost all my $10 at the casino?
I'm not sure.
I was creeped out the whole ride home.
I felt as if I was going to see this reappearing cat in the middle of the road
Just looking back at me.
But, I didn't.
I'm not a fan of this white cat with orange spots.
It's creepy & looks at me funny & it disappeared into the bushes at my house
& it's a symbol for me losing my money.
Today I ate a large meal, felt full, yet completely unsatisfied.
It's called Burger King. Duh.
I'm not a fan, but yet it's what I wanted.
I hate Bob and Tom and their show.
I hate their laughter.
But yet, I'm watching them on TV now.
Simply so I can just see what they look like.
They look nothing like I imagined when I would listen to them at work at 5 in the morning.
The "Yeah Toast" song always makes me laugh.
If they don't play that in the next 5 minutes I'm switching channels.
I love my best friend.
I love my friends in general.
Saying goodbye to these people is not fun.
I haven't said goodbye and given this many hugs in a long time.
I still don't feel like it's happening
So I haven't cried.
I don't think I will though.
Unless you throw chopped onions at my face.
That will do it.
I took a walk around my grandparents yard today after talking to them for 3 hours.
I had so many memories come rushing back:
Not finding any apples under the apple tree & then shaking it harder than I should.
Hunting for monarch caterpillars.
Finding blackberries and eatting them with milk.
Crashing into a tree on a sled with my grandma.
Drinking water from this fountain right next to the barn.
Playing with the fish in the fish pond.
They haven't played "Yeah Toast" yet....I refuse to listen to them laugh anymore.
I'm watching 2 episodes of Scrubs instead.
The End

Sunday, August 30, 2009

To Kill a Fly

Today I killed a fly.
It flew around my face and around the store,
And then I hit it.
But, it wasn't dead. Yet.
It kicked and moved.
I kept trying to hit it again
To get it out of this misery.
I failed so I let it cling to my finger,
And brought it over to the counter.
And gave it another hit.
The blood splattered on the counter,
And it gave one final kick of its leg.
And it was just dead;
Lifeless for eternity.
I felt a little sad
And way too powerful.
Sure, it was just a fly.
But, who are you?
As I was waiting for my mother to grab an item off her list at Target,
I noticed a guy giving samples and trying to sell some Special K.
I sympathized when person after person kept rejecting his offer.
It saddens me a little when people reject my free samples at Hope's Harvest.
So, I walked over, accepted his offer, and said it was good.
I ended up getting a box for breakfast at college.
I hope I made his day.
Even though I'm sure the product sold itself.
It was delicious.
Today was goodbye #2.
And I felt a little more.
I love that job.
It made me more outgoing, showed me I had a slight passion for cooking.
It actually showed me I even had the capability of cooking.
I met some amazing people there,
Life changing people.
I suppose I will drop by for a visit on Thanksgiving.
Unless I visit home earlier.
My mom got me a DVD series of Looney Tunes cartoons.
I will be watching it during those tough nights.
I love cartoons.
I also love Stranger Than Fiction.
1 more day in the beautiful town of Lake City.
It's legs are still moving.
After tomorrow I suppose it will be like the fly.
Only life goes on without me,
And I will see it again.
But, doesn't that sound so poetic?
Gosh I'm so ready for college.
Adios for tonight.
Why doesn't every small creature carry a pin and a match like Tweety.
Life expectancy for them would go way up.
This bird has lived, what?, like 100+ years?
Think about that.

BzzBzzBzz Spicy

Today as I was driving I saw a lonely star balloon
Floating across the sky in the middle of nowhere.
I wondered where it came from
And if there was a crying child somewhere.
I wondered if that child was the type to cry and get over it
or just dwell on it.
It's ironic how that balloon fit into the day I had.
Today was the first important last for me of 3 important ones (or 1 or 2 more).
Granted, I love every single one of my friends.
I'll miss them oh so desperately.
But, the truth is:
There were 2 friends that had a huge impact on me
And perhaps about 5 or so friends that had a decent impact on me.
And just some of those average people that I can hardly stand to look at anymore.
Some of those friends have left
Some of them haven't.
So far none of these silly goodbyes have meant anything to me
Because I'm not leaving nor have I left.
Goodbyes mean nothing to me unless I feel like something's happening.
And right now, in this moment I'm sitting in a chair watching TV & typing.
It's as simple as that.
But, today, I said goodbye to only one friend.
And I actually kinda felt something.
Maybe nothing huge,
But I think the process of realizing is finally starting to hit me.
It's not the 1 of 3, but I think it was an important goodbye.
I love you Ana.
Today my goodbye was to the core of my summer,
The greatest event to be given to me
The event I had been dreaming of since 9th grade.
And despite this event slapping me in the face more times than I can count,
I've never left disappointed.
I've always felt accomplished.
I learned more from this event than I learned in Chemistry
And that says a lot.
Today I began with a present
A present they won't understand why
A present they don't need to know why.
This event gave me a beautiful night back
Filled with a full dinning room of people
And a night without mistakes (the first night without a single small mistake).
But, anyways
Even if you could turn almost all of those sentences into a 'that's what she said' joke...
I'll just say that when it hits me that this goodbye happend
And that Nosh won't be in my life again until next summer (or some random vacation),
It will be quite a sad moment,
But I'm not the type to cry over the balloon and get over it,
Nor the type to dwell.
I just acknowledge and move on.
Because the important things in my life will never completely go away. I promise.
I've accepted the idea I'm dead on the inside,
Even though that's a false statement
And I really haven't accepted it.
But, whatever, it's simple enough for you to understand.
And, with that, I will leave you with the thought of making tomorrow an awesome day.
The final day at Hope's Harvest (important goodbye #2 & possibly #3)
Shopping with my mother
Chatting with my grandparents
I must rest.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inspiration Comes & Goes

Today I thought I saw a spider fall from the ceiling,
Right next to my feet.
I looked down,
And there was nothing there.
I'm stressed to the point of sickness.
I'm frustrated and want to escape.
I've decided you don't need to know what I did each day.
Because I know you don't always care.
Today I was refreshed
Then stressed
Then inspired
Then excited
Then stressed
Then depressed.
Translation: Home isn't a good place anymore.
I saw a beautiful sunset
Listened to music with my windows down
Sang really loudly.
Day by day I find myself discovering a piece of the puzzle. This puzzle you will not know of until it is finished. And, sadly, maybe not after that. But, I hope. I hope all this daydreaming is worth it. I hope it results in the beautiful image I have in my head. It has taken years to get to this point. And I finally feel everything is coming together. Within the next year or 2. The puzzle, I'm sure, will be complete. Of course, this is nonsense to you. But, this is not for you at this point.
I'll be going now.
My heart is filled with optimism
& I hope the dentist listens.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's Not What You Asked For & Probably Not What You Want to Hear

Sometimes I get the feeling the people I want to listen don't,
And the people that listen don't hear what I want them to hear.

They just wait for that precious moment when they get to spill their advice.
Prove me wrong or tell me a long drained out story of "when this happend to them"

God knows you've experienced everything.

I've begun to think that the word love is used too much.
I've begun to think that the love everyone dreams of isn't meant for everyone.
And that many don't realize that love has different meanings.

I've started to believe that there is not a person that walks the Earth
Who doesn't hold their own interests above the interests of others.

The ignorant may just never realize what the world has been trying to show them.
And, for every left there may just be another left.

The only thing I know is that optimism is the only thing strong enough to overcome reality.

So keep on dreaming those unrealistic dreams,
Because there's a chance you could be the one to get through.

We all know the weak ones aren't the ones that prosper.

And, please, don't wait to talk while you listen.
Because sometimes I don't need you to talk.
Sometimes I don't need you to think.

I want you to care.

But, we all know you're too strong for that.
Even though I wish I could see your tears.

I understand.
I just wait for the moment where I prove to you
That I was worth the silence.

Stop thinking of meanings.
Some things are just as they are.

And don't say this isn't what you asked for.
Because I know.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Those Lips Are Flaming

With over 100 things on my Life List one on the top was to see a live concert. I always wanted this concert to be absolutely amazing. Epic you could say. Until today I had gone my life without a real concert. And I get leave you with the reassuring words: it was worth it. Perhaps the concert didn't "change my life" but for some reason I still feel the need to use the phrase life changing. I'm still the same person, but I've experienced something that only a few individuals experienced.
This trip has been amazing. Perfect for what it is.
There has been so much more, but I feel too tired to discuss. I would go to our room...but James from Australia is sleeping and I know I would wake him.
I just remembered I'm really hungry...and I'm right next to a vending machine. You can guess what will happen in this predictable situation.
Goodnight for now.
Oh, and don't write about me unless you are sure of what you are talking annoys me. I accept you apology, but don't keep letting this happen.
No one is ever really powerless.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I'm going to keep this short because this is on my itouch and it's annoying to type, but anyways I'm at the green tortoise hostel now and mike HAD to use facebook because he is an addict.
Yesterday we ate at the top of the space needle and it was amazing...our dessert had dry ice under it so it smoked...the food was amazing and the view was incredible. We also went to pikes market, museum of science fiction and experience the music.

Gotta go...more is in progress.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Important People

Today work was good at both jobs.
Yesterday work was good.
As I was thinking about how much my two jobs have changed me, I also thought of the "people that have had the biggest impact on me" or something like that.
In Random Order:
1. Leah (way back when we were really good friends)
2. Mike Trost
3. JDK
4. Susan Draves
5. All the Servers and Cooks at Nosh--especially Tiffany, Greg, Jordan, Jeff, Lynn, Coreen, Ankur, John
6. Nathan Frye
7. The Netherlands family that came into Hope's Harvest
8. Esteban
9. The Enthusiastic Guy that came into Hope's Harvest
10. Linda & Emma
11. Ana
12. Anna Carr (really random I know)
13. Mr. Heise, Ms. Marin, Ms. Schmitz
14. All my other friends--Jared, Kevin, Anna Moechnig, Chris, Hannah, Briana, Tiffany, Jessica, Tom, Ashley, Marisa, Laura, Brittany...& so many more.
15. The TV shows Friends and Will & Grace (lame I know)
Anyways...enough with that. Tomorrow is the day. I'm really not feeling the creative I'm sorry I have to leave you on such a dull note. I will have much to say the next time.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shoothing Star...Ding Ding Dong

I'm aware that says shoothing even though it should say shooting. I was typing too fast and it ended up that way...and it made me I left it.
I left a pillow on Bri's doorstep. Only because I accidentally took it with me when I was walking to my car and I was too lazy to bring it back.
I got a CD with 600 something songs on it. It will now bring my ipod to 2,000 and beyond. Aren't you just tingling with excitment?
Yoga today was awesome. I felt so refreshed. I was complimented on my first head stand. My yoga instructor said that perhaps next month I will be ready to move away from the wall.
Average statements of the month:
-My aunt left today.
-Seattle is in 3ish days.
Non-average statements of the month:
-My highway now has the bumpy things on the shoulders of the road....right next to my when I went to turn I came in contact with an unfamiliar vibrating sensation. I didn't approve.
-Today I was singing loudly in my car. There was road construction. The road construction guy gave me a look. The End.
-If I were in a race with a hippopotamus...I would lose (or at least according to National Geographic).
I think that's all I need to say for now.
I hope you laughed at least once.
The more you know
*Shooting Star*
Ding Ding Dong

....or was that a moth flying above your head?

Monday, August 10, 2009

With All Your Power...What Would You Do?

If you could blow up the world with just a flick of a switch
Would you do it?
Power has been a problem with me lately. I don't like it. My dad has a lot of power over my finances and I'm not a fan. I like that he's able to help me, but recently it hasn't been help. I tell him to put my statement on my bed every month, but for some reason he doesn't. This has now resulted in us having to figure everything out from all the way back to January. He also lost my statement from April and one of my used-checkbook-carbon copy-dealio. I was so angry I was lost for words. Then he accused me of spending more money than I used to now that I have 2 jobs. Isn't that logical even though I put all my paychecks into the bank for college? Hmm...I think he's upset I'm making lots of tip money and I keep it to do whatever I want with. I've recently just been buying tickets, but I'll get a lot of that money back soon.
I went on a bike ride today. It was the best thing that happend to me today. I was finally able to bike the entire way up this extremely steep hill we have. I was impressed with myself. And, this time I brought my I have some cool pictures.
Over the past 2 weeks I have been more stressed than I have all summer. I was lost in a familiar place (my room), but have now cleaned it. My aunt has been annoying the crap out of me (and that's an understatement). I'm getting worn out from work (even though I love both of my jobs). But, I do believe that Saturday will take an end to all those statements. I have already solved my messy room. My aunt leaves Wednesday (I hope?). Saturday I will have off and then going on a 10 day vacation.
Last night I had a dream that a whole bunch of tornados were going through Lake City and I was at an unknown person's house. The tornado came right up to the house and everyone started running. Only, I ended up going into the tornado and being thrown in the air. It was a stressful dream. I also had a dream I had a cast on. And another where I missed the bus and somebody gave me candy. All these dreams are signs that I'm under a lot of stress and that somebody is bothering me.
I don't really know what else to say to you. I am really happy how this August has been. Some things don't feel like they will be reality. One of them is coming true this Saturday and the other 6 days after I get back. I'll miss my friends, but I have a feeling that I'll stay in touch with the most important people to me.
Did you know I can't go a day without hearing or seeing the word twilight? Yesterday I was reading my magazine and they were showing "twilight inpsired" makeup. Today not only did I come across the book my mom set in my room, but I also saw a commercial for a new show that has an actress from twilight, and I also got hit in the head by the movie twilight when I was looking for another movie for my aunt. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.
Congratulations on getting your license...I have a congratulations present I will give you tomorrow. And, congratulations on turning 18 tomorrow...I have a present for you as well. You know who you are.
If you could make everybody poor just so you could be rich
Would you do it?
If you could watch everybody work while you just lay on your back
Would you do it?
Hasta La Vista

Thursday, August 6, 2009

If I Were a Work of Art

Lucky is my day.
-My MLIA is up to 165 votes. How exciting.
-I got a pair of jeans and a shirt at buckle for less than $70 (that is a miracle).
-I applied for a $50,000 car or $25,000 in cash. Perhaps I will win. Perhaps I am not that lucky.
-Today someone said Have a Nice Day before my food purchase had been handed to me. They were really embarassed. I sympathized because I've done that at work too. I feel like we bonded.
-Today I tipped the person that cut my hair. She was really happy and I felt like I made her day.
-Today I decided I don't like TJ Maxx. Actually, I decided that when I first witnessed the bargain hunters with the crazy fingers. But, today I made a small purchase and got lost trying to find the checkout. They block everything off with items and it's like a maze. I don't like it.
-Today I also decided I don't like Wet Seal. Too many bright colors and it looks like the 80's threw up on everything.
-Today I got water in a fancy water bottle and had a normal portion of food at the mall.
-Today Brittany went to smell a bottle of shampoo and instead sprayed it all over her face. We both laughed a lot.
I really enjoy seeing people smile & making people feel better after they make a mistake. I did that a lot today and it made my day wonderful. One of my goals in life is to make other people happy.
I thought my aunt was suppose to leave today...but not until Wednesday...I'm not sure if I can take it. Thank god for weekends that are busy.
I'm pleased with the results of So You Think You Can Dance. Brandon is amazing, but I love Jeanine. Evan and Kayla have always been favorites of mine, but I'm glad they didn't win. Hoorah.
If I were a work of art I would be in black, white, and purple.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Snuggie Once Told Me...

...A Snuggie once told me it was on backwards. Oh, and that's it's a robe with extra neck material. I think snuggies are like transvestites. I don't feel the need to explain that statement.
Did you know you can't say happiness without saying penis?
Today was a full moon. I think things were a little off. Nothing in particular...just things.
I'm offically going to 2 concerts within the next month...or something like that. I'm a concert virgin so that's very exciting to me. The Flaming Lips and Regina Spektor here I come!!
Jeez, I had so much more to say before, but now I'm tired and watching my recording of So You Think You Can Dance.
I spent time with a good friend today. You might even say a great friend. I learned today we are to the "lick your finger and touch my hand with it" point. That's nothing sexual...just something odd that happened and I really didn't react to it. Overall it was really refreshing to laugh so much.
I also convinced my boss at HH to come with me to Yoga. It was a good time...I was a little frustrated when our yoga instructor forgot to give us neck massages at the end, but he's awesome so all is forgiven.
I must say Happy Birthday to a someone tomorrow. Happy Birthday.
Tomorrow I will be spending the day with an old friend that I haven't seen in a long time. Since we last chatted I have changed like none other. Perhaps you haven't noticed, but it's very true.
I can do impressions when I want of who I want. He thought I couldn't. Now we have developed another inside joke. He's just wonderful though, don't worry. His predictibility is not predictible to all...nor always me. Boo Boo Bee Boop.
Hasta. Good luck. Happy Birthday. Hope your lips heal. Thank-you. Bye.
Today at work I noticed a cop marked my car tire with chalk to note that I was in a 2 hour parking zone. Thinking I was smarter than the cop, I took a rag and washed off the chalk. I didn't think that was enough so I moved my car one space over. MLIA

#194132 Comments: 0 Vote: Average 2 Meh 0
Hopefully I get more votes than if it doesn't get deleted :) gracias

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding

Who are you to say what I should do and how I should act?
Today I invented a smoothie and made it a special at HH. It's so delicious. Blueberries, Banana, Honey, Cream, Yogurt, and Cinnamon. Get one.
Today Spano, Jad, Jordan, guy who is familiar but I can't remember his name Number 1, and guy who is familiar but I can't remember his name Number 2. It was nice to see them.
Today I learned that the 5 hour energy drinks as well as the energy shot we serve at HH are made of 3,000-8,000% of your daily Vitamin B-12. It also has the same intensity of six 12oz cups of coffee. They don't have any sugar and a low amount of caffine. That's just what I learned today...nothing I'm advertising....especially if you're a child, pregnant, or have negative side effects to caffine....then stay away...just saying.
Today my mom found a bat between the garage window...she shut it and trapped it. We both looked at it and decided it was cute. I'm not sure what happend to it...but I've decided bats aren't that bad...behind glass or from a distance.
Sue, Tim, and I were having a good conversation. Boston came up in subject (the band, not the city of course). When I was driving home I put my ipod on shuffle (that has 2,000 songs on it) and More than a Feeling came on. It was pretty cool.
My mom just mentioned the bat...she doesn't know what happend to it either...but I feel like she can read my mind...creepy.
On that note...I think I will leave you. I hope that all your dreams and wishes of this lovely Tuesday came true.
Hasta Banana

Monday, August 3, 2009

Positives & Negatives

+Today I learned a very basic concept: For every negative there's a positive.
+I also learned that when you slice a crap ton of bread you don't need on a slow day, a whole bunch of people come in, and for that, dreams do come true.
-My day started off a little on the negative aunt and mom were annoying.
+I then enjoyed relaxing after a busy weekend.
-Then I thought I lost my wallet and learned I had been driving without my license for 2 days (what a badass ha)
-Then my dad helped me find it. Him and my aunt were quite sarcastic. I left the house in a bad mood despite being relieved I found it.
-Work started off really slow. I felt like I was doing everything wrong even though there wasn't a lot to do. Coreen told me it was so slow I might be cut after working only an hour.
+It became crazy busy. 2 waitresses, 1 bartender, 3 cooks, and me along with the business we usually have on a day with double the staff. It was AWESOME!!
-2 wine glasses got caught on the curtain and broke.
+My boss said she would let this time slide so I didn't have to pay for them. I wanted to hug her.
+Coreen played a joke on me once things died down, and I got her back...we laughed and bonded.
+I left Nosh feeling completely happy and had a nice car ride home.
+JDK and I shared a nice text conversation even though I hate texting.
+I get to sleep in tomorrow. Whoo hoo.
Basically 11 days until Seattle. Perhaps, you have realized how excited I am to escape the house. But, just so you know, I CANNOT wait to escape the house and go on vacation with 2 of my best friends. I'm also going shopping this Thursday...I haven't done that in forever. Hit me up with a text if you want to hang out...I might be able to fit you in somewhere.
Sweet Dreams & Goodnight
Hasta Later.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The King of Carrot Flowers

Change is good.
Just so you know.
It's obvious I love change.
I worked 10 hours today. I had an amazing day at both jobs.
Question. What should you do if you see an endangered animal eatting an endangered plant?
I'm done.
I almost didn't write anything today, so just be glad I took the time to give you some literature to read.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thought is Reality

It's one of those days
Where a lot happens,
But it's just so difficult
To put it into words.
I started off my day thinking I worked at 10 instead of 2. I spent my extra time downloading music recommendations from Becca. They are all good ones. I find we have a lot in common, yet are completely different. I'm glad I met her.
Today I witnessed a guy that is a new role model for of many. He came into Hope's Harvest and brought in amazing energy. I hope someday I can do that. He just made everyone happy. My favorite thing that he said was when he accused his wife of giving him the "evil eye" and she said she doesn't have an evil eye to which he responded "You don't have an evil eye? Good job Honey." It's one of those "you have to be there" things, and everything he said pretty much made me laugh, but that was very memorable to me.
I also witnessed two people who I never want to be. They asked for two smoothies and were really snobby about it. Their energy made me so uncomfortable, I'm pretty sure the blender eletrocuted me. The eldest of the two asked what the "black specks" were in her blueberry smoothie...they were the blueberry bits. I wish everyone had the energy the other guy did...or at least more people. The world would be a much better place.
I saw delicious food at Nosh. I hope I get a chance to eat an entire meal there all looks so good.
My aunt is still getting to me, but I suppose today was a good day. I made her breakfast (scrambled eggs, banana/strawberry/blackberry smoothie, toast...and she microwaved some sausage). Then, when I got home from work we had a decent conversation. We do get's just when she's around my mom that she really bothers me, and my mom is camping so everything's good.
I wish I had a few more insightful thoughts, but I guess my day is consumed by work. I'm sure I'll have an experience tomorrow. I meet a lot of interesting people at Hope's Harvest and Nosh.
I'm on good terms with a lot of people. I really like that. A positive attitude goes a long way. Nothing has changed about me recently, but everything is starting to pay off.
Visit me at work tomorrow. 10-3:30 HH.