Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stop Your Kvetching

Today: Not that Interesting. A day without Spanish 4 or Math is a pretty good day though. Mr. Atkinson made me laugh. Also, the Media Design class has pretty much decided if anyone makes us mad we'll take your picture out of the yearbook. Peer tutoring was hilarious. Adam Yotter got hit in the face by Amanda Johnson. I accomplished very little in AP Lit, but at least I saw Megan's shining face....whooo! Jared told me to put a picture of Stitchopoly on here tonight....enjoy.

Lovely Quotes From Today:

~"If it weren't for this whole weather thing it would feel like summer." -Jared

~"When I think of hormones I think of sex. What do hormones make you think of?" -Mike

"Food." -Megan

"You think of food when you are having sex?" -Mike

~"This has been the longest 25 minutes of my life." -Ms. Rogness during Advisory

~"Bobbi Falde can slam a revolving door." -JDK

~"You have to be on your toes in this class." -Jake Eichhorn

~"Jeeeeez. Jesús!" -Sra. Schmitz

~"Okay, we have an otro worksheet." -Sra. Schmitz

~"Chris your hair looks like a tumbleweed." -Mike

The Biggest Loser is on tonight...yay. I want to get some things accomplished...we'll see how that goes. Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. If you were around me today...you know what I would say to that.

It is kisstomary to cuss. Spoonerism.

The End.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Into the Night

Good Evening Lovely,

I was very tired today. I remember looking at the clock and seeing 12 and thinking pleaseeee fall asleep. I think I was only half sleeping the entire night because I felt really awake when I "woke up" and at the same time like I had not even began to sleep.

Sra. Swanson is a jerk. Respect people when they are in a bad mood. And yes, your hair looked funny today, but it looks funny every day. Enough said.

Pictionary in AP Biology. It's not meant to be so competitive. Take some deep breaths & relax por favor.

Media Design was good. Mike & I just ditched the rest of the class, chit-chatted, and developed some pictures. It was nice.

I got what I needed to done today, but nothing extra.

I attempted to study for AP Biology, but fell asleep. I tried again, and got distracted. Oh well, even though this test is suppose to be hard, I never study anyways...so therefore the little studying I did do should work to my advantage.

I have a positive attitude. I now feel well rested, but am 1 1/2 hours away from having to sleep again...ugh. I want warm weather. Tomorrow will be a productive day, I hope.

Tomorrow will be a more interesting day. I will make sure of that.

I'm saving the world tomorrow. Hoorah.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

You Do Look Good On The Dance Floor

It's all art.
Today was a good day, of course.
I went to Snyder to pick up Mike. I talked with him & Jess. Jess is funny (so is Mike).
Mike and I had a semi-surpise visit at Hope's Harvest. JDK & Nathan had a contest. First, who could hold their arm up the longest (as seen above bottom)...but then that went on too long...so it was who could walk on their tip toes the longest...but that failed too..so then it was who could eat a banana the fastest...JDK was victorious (as seen below).

After a lovely time with JDK & Nathan, Mike and I went to his house and just chit-chatted and looked at his artwork on his computer. It was nice.

Then I went home. I had this plan of getting so much done today. That is not going to happen. No scholarships. No Latin. No Nothing (not even good English).

I chatted with Esteban tonight...I guess things are fine & I expressed my mind a little...I still wish they were a little different though. Oh well, all in time I'm sure. I made him a promise for his birthday...I should stop doing that...I need to learn how to not be nice....then maybe things would work out better.

A productive week is ahead. I can sense it.

I have a best friend who is wired the same way as me & whose favorite constellation is Casseopia (like mine) & who makes my decisions. I'm glad he's in my life.

I am the color blue. Nathan is the color black. Josh is the color green. Mike is the color orange.

Life is good & I find myself smiling for no reason...that's all you need to know.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally, Pork You Can Cut With A Fork!


I have Grapheme Color Synethesia. It occurs in 1 in 2,000 people. I thought I was the only one & I never knew how to explain it, but apparently a lot of people are studying it now.

I went shopping with my mother. She makes me laugh. She says unusual things like "Let's bust out of this joint."

I spent most of the day amazed with my new Ipod touch. It's definately in the top 3 of most important electronic devices that I own.

I texted a lot today. I hate texting, but at the same time I like it. I have 2-3 people I text regularily, and that's all I need.

I did a little homework, but it won't save me from the fact I have scholarships to deal with tomorrow. But, that's okay because I have a fun afternoon planned.

I get to sleep in tomorrow. I look forward to that. I haven't really been sleeping lately. I have, however, been having a lot of dreams.

Goodnight & Sweet Dreams to you...whenever that may be.

A Day of Semi's and Super's.


Lovely day. That's all you need to know.

Of course I have to cover that whole school thing, but it's the lesser part of my day so I will use 1-3 words to sum up each hour of the day.

Spanish 4- Swanson, Crazy, Musica
Biology- Glazer Donuts
Study Hall- Supercilium, Superheros, Superfun
Media Design- Yearbook
Peer Tutoring- Special, Stupid People
AP Lit- Boredom, Funny Handwriting
Statistics- Not Applying Myself

I assisted in the Semi-formal decorating. It got me in for free. I also got some NHS hours.

I passed time with JDK. It was, well, good.

I danced. Pretty sure Nathan Frye is the most amazing dancer ever. Music was questionable, but acceptable. I am not a fan of country though. I could expand on this paragraph, but then semi-secret information about "something number 2" would be revealed. I prefer to stay mystery woman...or semi-mystery woman. =)

I am awkward when I have a lot of stuff to carry from my car to my house.

I'm now under a warm blanket in a cold world. I am over March...bring on April...bring on warmth....por favor.

I am adopting an ipod touch tomorrow...I'm super excited!

Good Evening, Good Morning, & Good Everything...it's that time of the day/night.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Debbie Does Walmart.

Thy creative energy is not with me today. I blame Thursday.

During study hall I learned about Cyclops and Ulysses.

During AP Lit. I had the inability to write a good essay. It was probably one of the worst things I have ever written...EVER.

I went to Wabasha to watch speech. I did have a date...it twas Tanisha. She makes me laugh. We had a good time. My friends are very talented. Sadly, many of the people in speech are not quite as talented. Some of the humorous speeches made me sad. There are a lot of awkward people in speech. I also made an awkward first impression with a stranger...hopefully it is my last impression to give them. I made eye contact with an odd boy who was staring. I chatted with a couple of people I had heard of, but never talked to...they were both nice people. I had DQ. Nathan Frye, Katie Hamilton, JDK, Tiffany, Kevin, Briana, and Andrea did very well...rumor has it Mike did well too. So good job to all my talented friends. =)

I'm not sure what's going on tomorrow...but I know I will figure it out & it will be an epic day.
I don't know how to end this...so....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Today Thursday came early. Or at least the aura of Thursday came today. It twas not my ideal day.

I had a voicemail in the morning. I do not approve of what it said. I will ignore the person for a while...I'm sick of that particular someone, and I have other things to deal with.

I had a Spanish test. All I'll say to that is I do not approve of Sra. Swanson. I also had a Latin test today...I'm not sure how that went at all. I hope well, but I probably got a C or something.

I was in a bad mood morning through 3rd hour. Some people in the morning just made me sick with annoyance, but luckily after 3rd hour Mike cheered me up. I approve of him. He's good at making me feel better.

There is always a positive side to the day. That tis that I might have a date tomorrow...if it works out great, if it does not...then oh well it will still be a wonderful evening.

In Statistics Mr. Kohutko spent most of the hour telling stories...my favorite quote he said, which is probably not what he wanted me to take from his story: "I am not a muscular specimen." He also is full of himself. Tanisha, Jad, and Tom laughed at my Mr. Kohutko impression during our break...I'm pretty sure it was very accurate.

I approve of Tanisha, Jad, and Tom. They help me when I need it, and they make me laugh.

Today I faked a smile. I took a bath & had some tea. I got rejected once again. I meditated.

I have a best friend. Who reads my mind. Who accidentally does the same things as me. I really enjoy our friendship.
El End

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Aut Disce Aut Discede!

It was a dreary day, and the rain fell from the sky. The world was engulfed by the mouth of a gray overcast, and the world wondered when it would be freed from this illness. It gasped for breath and prayed for healing, but could do nothing but cry tears upon the land.

I wish it was warm. I usually enjoy rain, but not like this.

I am a rara avis. I also believe that sine moribus sanis pacem habere non possumus. I've studied a lot for my test tomorrow. Maybe I am prepared, but something tells me I can't study enough. This language is ridiculous. Did you know there are 18 ways to say "this"? The same is true for the words that, those, and these. Bleh. At least according to a famous quote I am clever.

Today I was forbidden from dating someone (not that I would have dated this someone anyways). Today my stomach growled really loudly. Today I escaped from the classroom twice without permission. Today my AP Biology class asked stupid questions. Today I realized there are a lot of people I don't like. Today I was caught not focusing. Today I made plans. Today I was rejected 3 times. Today I gave someone a ride home. Today I remembered. Today I laughed. Today I was laughed at.

Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day.

Did you know Mike Trost made All Conference? Because everyone he talked to today does. But it's okay, because someday it will make him famous...maybe. =)

The Biggest Loser is on tonight. I look forward to that every week. Jillian is my hero.

I'm saving the world again tomorrow. You're Welcome, again.

Bonam Fortunam!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Goodbye, Hello!

Salve, amice! Quid agis hodie?

Apparently I have a Latin test soon. I'm scared. I haven't had a test in that class yet & it's really important for my future, and I'm not sure how prepared I am. But at least I know how to say "always prepared" (semper paratus). Oh well, my test is Wednesday so at least I have 1 more day to study.

I was in mourning all day. Today was the eternal death of my ipod due to an implosion. I really just wanted to cry in study hall. At least I had Mike & Tanisha to cheer me up.

After school I found out 2 amazing things though, and they made up for everything. First of all, related to the above statement, my mom agreed to an ipod touch because of my "amazing" grades and whatever. I was really happy about that, even though my other ipod will be missed. Then, I looked online and found out I got a 94% on our huge AP Lit research paper!! That made me happy as well.

*I was cheered up*I cheered others up*I felt sore*I ate subway cookies*I developed film*I did a favor for my dad*I gave a secret hug*I fell asleep*I texted*I read*I used Spark Notes*I mentioned a plan*I thought about someone*My hair was blown in the wind*My mom was in a good mood*

A day of ups & downs, but an overall success. Bring on Tuesday!

What does superman wear on his date?



Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hands Clean

I awoke to the wonderful smell of fresh air because my mom left the window open last night.

I also awoke to my mother yelling at me. She has mood swings a lot. She also had her first day of work in 6 weeks yesterday. I'm not sure I enjoy it.

I watched hockey. It was a good game.

I cleaned today. Somebody else should do the same, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen for a long time. I got an email last night that was suppose to be "happy" but turned out to just be asking for sympathy...oh well.

I had a dream last night that I lived in a house made entirely of glass and I was decorating it. It was one of the coolest looking things I have ever seen. I also typed some parts of it into the dream interpretation website...it said that I feel like someone is watching me, that i need to get rid of some old negative thoughts, and that a relationship of mine has gone awry. In certain aspects all of the above is true...but I never thought such an awesome dream could be so negative.

I got a lot done today. The weather was icky. Simply put I can only make my day of cleaning sound so interesting.

Yesterday was much more fun than today, but I have plenty to look forward to...especially Friday. yay.

Vale amicus meus.

Life Is Beautiful

I had a lovely day.

I played tennis. Tom is good at tennis, but I ended up winning...hoorah.

I went to redwing. Tom bought stuff. Tom sang in the car. Tom makes me laugh.

I hit a golf ball for basically the first time in my life. First, Tom said I was better than he was expecting...right after he said that I couldn't hit the ball for 10 straight times...it twas so embarassing.

I surprised at a surprise party. It twas fun. I talked to everyone in the room. I got food fed to me by someone else. I made a move. Everything went as expected.

My face turns red...I call it the sunburn of love....I'm not a fan.

I am happy however.

I went the speed limit the entire way home...I wonder how long that will last. I'm over that though...twas a good experience for me.

Life is Beautiful.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Screw a Title...This Is What Happend!


Many people aren't use to me using that word, but it is the word that has come out of my mouth about a million times in the last 1/2 hour.

I got pulled over. Fucking cop.

Well, first of all...my thought process is wrong...FIRST after dropping Nathan off at his house, I realized my gas was pretty much on empty. I decided to risk it even though my phone was dead. AND even though I always freak out about my gas being too low even if it's just 1/4 of a tank...god i'm stupid! I kept my speed at 55 the entire way...holding my breath through Oak Center...trying not to touch anything besides the steering wheel thinking that would save gas...hmm? The when I reached the lovely town of ZF I slowed down to 40. 40! Apparently the cop didn't approve. I was seriously freaking out...like none other....I don't think I even completed a normal sentence with that man...and I even laughed for no reason...like out of fear. I WAS IN FEAR...of the short little bald man peeking his head into my passenger window...he had a terrible voice...like he had speech problems. After he checked out my license...he told me "yeahhh i'm not really checking for speed..I'm looking more for DUI's...and you're obviously not drunk" NO! NO! NO! Then he asked if something was wrong...YES YES YES you are peeking your ugly fucking head into my car door and telling me that pulling me over wasn't really necessary...and how dare you accuse me of being from Rochester...NO! Fail!

But anyways, the rest of the day was awesome. The play was lame, but really funny. The food was great...I had heaven in a bun/pastry. I watched Will & Grace with JDK which was awesome! Then I went to a movie with people. Twas a very wonderful time. Bri was awkward as always. Nathan Frye made me laugh so much. He's great. Then we went to Mike's house...we played apples to apples, but that's not worth mentioning....then we watched speeches....quite awesome I must say!

I'm making a move tomorrow...are you my victim?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

He Doesn't Wear Pants, But He Eats Shrimp

Twas a decent Thursday. I didn't like how stressed I was due to my chronic procratination, but it was a survivable day.

"Evelina is a....bag." If you're not in Spanish 4 you wouldn't understand. It tis part of the script of the play we are going to tomorrow. And instead of bag it's suppose to be a naughty word. I also learned a phrase to help with my pronounciation: "No lleva pantalones, pero come camarones."

Mike & I had fun in Media Design again. We were the first ones to get our film developed and enlarged. I was really excited. When we first got the picture to turn out we were both jumping up and down.

Bri was odd in Spanish 2, but it made me laugh so it was okay. Jake Eichhorn and Cody Vonier made me laugh too. Jake had better get an A on his test Monday or all my work teaching him was an epic fail. The 5th hour class reminds me of a bunch of dogs.

Statistics was nice. Tanisha, Tom, and I got our work done. Then Tom & I chit chatted. Then I tried to teach Tanisha how to roll her R's for our pronounciation test on Wednesday...I don't feel like I helped. Jad also can't roll his R's...he sounds like he's growling.

I'm excited for the next 2 days beyond all belief. Spanish play tomorrow during school. Hanging out with JDK after school which includes Subway and Will & Grace! Then movie with people...I still don't know what movie or who is all going, but I know I'm invited and it will be fun. Then Saturday is Redwing, Golf, and Tennis with Tom! Then a Fiesta de Sorpresa con lots of my friends! I'm also going to make a move in the next 2 days. I think that should be a good time.

Sweet Dreams Lovely!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You Spin Me Right Round

Hellola lovely,

My mom thinks that a combination of R rated movies & reading the messages on the back of my dad's received senior pictures will make me promiscuous & lead me to party. I made fun of her and she realized how ridiculous she sounded.

I looked at my dad's old yearbooks. I must say Mr. Bzdok...ridiculous, Mr Sweeney...ridiculous, Mr. Dison...ridiculous, and most of all Mr. Brinkman...RIDICULOUS. I'm bringing these yearbooks tomorrow to prove my point.

Today was an okay day. Tanisha & I got a lot of our Statistics project done during study hall, I was useful in Peer Tutoring, and finally Tom & I had a nice chat during Statistics..he also scared me when I was just beginning to fall asleep.

I made a list of everything I need to do tomorrow...it includes 13 things that I need to do before the day ends. I'm a little stressed, but I guarantee everything will get done & I will feel a lot better about myself.

When I went to Snyder after school, JDK snuck up on me and after I had got into the car and turned away he stood next to my door. When I turned around to shut the door he scared the crap out of me. I thought my life was going to end, but I laughed a lot after I screamed and realized it was him.

I have weekend plans. I'm glad & super excited!

The 80's was a ridiculous time period. I hope that big hair and thick glasses never come back.

Good Luck with Thursday & Goodbye!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hey Leonardo

Today....was....not the greatest day.

Good Evening,

I have come to the conclusion that 4/5 of my favorite people are in band and/or choir...and a lot of people I enjoy talking to are in band and/or choir...and a lot of the intelligence of our school is in band and/or choir.

I watched an awkward video in AP bio, realized that I truly don't like someone in advisory, went downtown for Media Design, talked about golf during lunch, did absolutely nothing in peer tutoring, and talked the entire hour in AP lit.

I have discovered that Sam Jacobson & Whitney are fun, Jake is nice, Tom is great, Michelle Knudsen makes me laugh, the kid with the black hair is cool....and well those were the people that made my day bearable. Good Job.

I took a nap today. It was nice. I must go to bed on time tonight. No excuses.

I was also told to make a move on the guy I like...one person who knows who that is says it's obvious...but lots of people are completely clueless...perhaps you just have to know what to look for.

I look forward to a good day tomorrow. Lo siento if this was less exciting than it usually is.


Monday, March 16, 2009



I am very relaxed. I went for a walk, ran on the treadmill, took a bath, and had some tea.

I also received one of the nicest emails ever from a guy that I have only heard stories about.

I thought today was going to be a bad day because Spanish and AP Bio were so boring and I was going on very little sleep, but all the hours after that were nice.

Study Hall--never fails
Media Design--Mike & I stayed in the classroom and developed film...we had a nice chat.
Peer Tutoring--Kevin, Bri, Jake Eichhorn, Katie Loppnow, and Cody Vonier made me laugh.
AP Lit.--was just nice.
Statistics--Jad & I also had a nice chat. Tom later joined in on that.

I told Jad I would call him a loser. So there it is. Tom & I also plan on going to DQ on a day Jad is working so we can order an extra large blizzard that is extra hard to make. Then we are stopping at the scrapbooking store and telling Jad's mom to make him pass out his senior pictures. I'm not sure if he believes that's going to happen, but it will.

Today the weather was so nice. I hope it stays like this forever...or gets a little warmer.

Something has been bothering me and I haven't quite figured out what it is. First of all I know my parents are bothering me, but usually I can deal with that. I know I still haven't dealt with something #2, but that will hopefully solve itself. I know I have a lot to get accomplished, but I know I'll get it done this week. I haven't had much sleep, but that's okay. Perhaps it's one of those things...I'm sure everything will all work out.

I look forward to a productive week...and hopefully develop exciting weekend plans.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

When The Hover-Round Dies...

I had one of the greatest days of my life today.

First, Nathan and I went to John Hardy's...which was wonderful...great food I must say.

Second, we bought a loaf of bread and fed the Silver Lake geese. It started off with 1-3 geese...and pretty soon the entire park of geese was flocking to us. It was kind of creepy, but hilarious.

Third, we took a walk. Then wandered around Broadway...just enjoying the warm weather. We walk past a woman with a Hover-Round. She stops us and asks if we can give her a push. We think yeah sure, just needs a little push to get going perhaps? NO. She had forgotton to charge her stupid wheelchair like thing and was stranded. I must say she wasn't a light woman, nor the Hover-Round a light piece of equipment. Nathan Frye managed to push her for 6 blocks, even though she claimed it twas only a block. We reached a cross-walk with a timer...we only had 7 seconds to get this woman across...we realized we would fail...so we backed up...the 2nd time an older Asian man saw that we were struggling...so he helped us get her across just in time. This woman was odd. Her name was Phyllis. Once we finally reached Newbridge Community Center (which until we actually saw it in sight, we didn't believe it existed) we saw some of her friends in the lobby...they said "Phyllis...did you forget to charge your chair AGAIN?" We took her to her room on the 4th floor. We plugged her in. She was appreciative. We are going to heaven, and I applaud Nathan for his amazingness.

Fourth, we drove randomly around and ran into a Caribbean gocery store. We bought amazing Soda. It tasted like carmel...it was soooo good. And we listened to reggae music with the windows down and the music up.

Fifth, we went to the mall. It started out with people-watching and turned into acting.

Nathan was my brother. We were looking for a birthday present for our 62 year old mother. She is very picky and simplistic. She is also alergic to Rodon or whatever it is that is in almost ALL jewelry. All the jewelery salespeople were helpful. Too bad our story wasn't true. It was fun though...we went to 4 jewelry stores at the mall.

Nathan was also the person who got me pregnant. We went to Motherhood Maternity. The woman claimed I was so tiny so she didn't want to offend me by asking if we were shopping for me. And we got informed of how elastic pants work. We were from another city and visiting my mother who was in the hospital. It was quite entertaining.

That twas the conclusion of our day. It was very successful. It was very random, but we had so much fun. Nathan Frye is great. That's all you need to know.

So now you know what happens when the Hover-Round dies....

Apples & Pears

I had fun today.

I went shopping with Anna. I bought stuff. I owe Anna $21 because people are ridiculous. We ate good food at noodles & co. A man there also taught a little girl that praying saves your life.

I met JDK's dad. I'm awkward with introductions.

Kevin bought energy drinks. The 2nd one was very effective...too much so.

We played Apples to Apples....I won!

We played Catch Phrase. The answer was Spear. The clue was Britney ______. Somebody said Spears. Somebody else said "Yes, but without the S". Kevin said "pears."

We laughed a lot...about nothing....we had awkward moments....

We had Scary Movie Night without movies.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sex & Candy


Briana feels like she has tunnels in her ears...I had to clarify that she actually does. Kevin & I also restated the fact that she holds her hands like a dinosaur a lot of the time...she later proved our theory correct & was slightly embarassed.

I enjoy peer tutoring Spanish 2. Kevin, Bri, and I have a lot of fun. A couple of other people in that class also make me smile.

Today was a good day. In Spanish 4, we watched an awkward video & then clips from the Emperor's New Groove. In biology, I got 100% on our quiz.

Today in AP Lit...we were discussing the revolution that is the birth control pill. It twas suppose to be an intellectual discussion....but when Heise said: "....birth control has changed our lives in a variety of ways...so Miss Johnson...what do you want to do now?" I couldn't help but make an awkward & confused face...which resulted in the laughter of everyone in the room including Heise, who was kind of embarassed & claimed it wasn't how he wanted it to sound. In case you were wondering...my response was go to college and become a psychologist...which therefore led to the fact that I have freedom and don't have to hunt down a husband & stay home with the kids because I can now have protected sex...yayyy.

Then in Statistics we had a field trip to JMC...which is in our lovely town of Lake City...1/2 mile away from the school. It twasn't interesting, but it was nice to get some fresh air, have a can of Mt. Dew, some lemonade, and some cookies that Jad's mom made. I also found out I can take a siesta with perfect posture in a chair.

I played Stitchopoly with my parents...which is the strange version of monopoly. I won...by a lot...hoorah.

I also watched the Emperor's New Groove...which is one of my favorite movies.

Yay for tomorrow shopping with Anna...then later with JDK, Kevin, & Mike for scary movie night! I'm excited!

Bon Voyage & Farewell!

Thursday, March 12, 2009



I'm sassy. You wouldn't understand, but it's true.

Well today is Thursday, and as we all know by now I hate Thursdays, but even though today wasn't my ideal day, I did have some good things happen.

-I went to Fiesta for lunch and actually had gloves. That sounds not at all interesting or important, but trust me, it was a big deal.
-Mike made me laugh...a lot.
-In AP Lit a few of us went to the library...which is our favorite place...though Mr. Heise did split our group up because he didn't think we'd get anything done & the owl watched over us. who!
-I went to JDK's house after school & we watched more Will & Grace...I think we developed lots of inside jokes that nobody will understand. It was a good time.

Well that's about all the good I got out of today...there was a few other minor things that were good. And I don't believe in complaining about the bad things...so there you go.

I kind of dealt with something #1...but whether or not it worked to my benefit is pending...

I'd leave you with a funny comment or a good quote from today...but they are all inside jokes with lots of different people. So I'll just say a quote from someone else's unfortunate day:

Today, I asked my parents if the outfit I was wearing made me look fat. My mom looked at me and paused for a while, and my dad said, "honey, that outfit doesn't make you look fat. Your fat makes you look fat." FML

Goodbye. El Fin.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rainbow In the Dark

Hello Lovely,

Another successful day completed. I spoke French & German in Spanish 4, I watched a Flight of the Conchords episode in Study Hall, I was actually useful in Peer Tutoring Spanish 2, and Mr. Kohutko told funny stories in Statistics.

Ms. Swanson also said to me "...Pues Carmen tiene un novio." and I responded...."no...no tengo un novio"...and her mouth dropped...it actually made me laugh how shocked she was...she asked if I was triste...and my inner thought was "no, i'm happy", but I responded "a little"...oh well.

JDK also claims that if I was a superhero I would be Mystery Woman. I agree. It twould be awesome.

I did the same workout as yesterday. I improved my time by 2.5 minutes. That makes me happy.

I read the entire 1st volume of Frankenstein today (which was the required reading)...Mary Shelley used the word lovely 4 times in one chapter. Mary Shelley and I would be good friends. That tis my favorite word.

I have spent an entire week planning out how to make tomorrow a good Thursday...I made plans...they sound fun...I'm excited...and I hope nothing goes wrong.

I have had my mind on 2 somethings a lot lately. I wish I knew how to deal with them. One something I will take care of sometime soon even though I want to just ignore it forever...the other something might start unraveling itself sometime soon...it's a good something, but it creates complications, so we'll see how that goes.

I'll leave you with the image of young, middle-school Kohutko trying to light a cigarette with a stove burner and scorching his eyebrows.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When I Get Home, You're So Dead


I got my CARDIO on today in several different ways.

Kevin was disappointed that I did not refer to him as one of my 3 favorite people. So just for him I promised: Necesito decir q Kevin es una persona fantastico quien es una razon para mi sonrisa y su espanol es mejor q mucha gente en la clase de espanol 2 especialmente la hora cinco. =)


Today was another good day. I really forget what bad days are like, and I don't want to remember. AP Bio didn't kill me, Media Design we went downtown (& Mike was there..yayyy) and I got a mocha and a donut, Spanish 2 made me laugh thanks to Kevin, Bri, and Jake Eichhorn, and AP lit....well....if you weren't there you truly missed out.

Mike & I thought it would be fun to have a Red Bull before class. He was not affected....I twas very much so affected...but I gave everyone a smile so it twas worth it. We had a break and I went for a run down the hallways...JDK laughed. It lasted 70 out of the 90 minutes...the last 20 minutes was me passed out on a desk. It was a fun work out.

Redbull really does give you wings...and is like no other energy drink I've ever had.

When I got home, I was lazy for a bit (actually I was something close to dead), but then I got my cardio on and went on the treadmill for a while...jogging & walking uphill kills my muscles though...so I'll be sore tomorrow....but yay for 2 miles and good music on my ipod!

Tacos, Frankenstein, MSN, and The Biggest Loser: my plans for tonight...not too bad if I say so myself.


Monday, March 9, 2009

So Nice, So Smart

Hola Lovely,

Today was a surprisingly good day. Something that made me smile happend every hour except for 7th (which actually was almost the death of me).

I pronounced funny words in Spanish, I guessed and got a perfect and also got a B on a test I didn't put any effort into, I scratched off a scratch off and won $10, I saw an annoying youtube video that made me laugh, I corrected quizzes, and had good discussion with Tom in AP lit.

I downloaded about 30 new songs.

It also did not snow today. That is very good. I really wish it twas spring already though. I also wish for a thunderstorm tomorrow and no snow. Hopefully all my wishes are granted.

I'm saving the world by carpooling tomorrow. You're welcome.

Sayanora and Fare Thee Well!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daily Routine

Good evening.

I would take the time to spice up this blog to make today sound like an exciting day, but it's not true by any means.

My day started off with 10 hours of sleep and a text, turned into a headache while on msn, and on the side was an America's Next Top Model marathon and a shower. That was the part of the day where I felt really lazy. Then I decided I didn't want my entire day to be like that...so I went on the treadmill, washed my face, had some tea, did some laundry, read some Frankenstein & answered the questions. I felt much better after that...I really like exercise, green tea, and washing my face...it makes me feel wonderful...it is also what I usually do when something is bothering me.

Esteban called today. I ignored it. He left me a voicemail. I need to talk to him, but I am always too nice...confrontation is not my thing unless it's something small that nobody really cares about. He asks too many questions I don't know the answers to. So until I figure out exactly what I want to say, I'll ignore the problem. If you don't already know...we aren't dating anymore...and he doesn't understand why no matter how many times I explain it to him.

I've also been thinking about something else, but it is a secret that only one person knows and it will probably stay that way for a while. Apparently I'm not good at dealing with my own problems, but for some reason I love helping other people with their problems.

I had a dream about being thirsty and having a water bottle thrown under my bed, and I was too exhausted to get up and get it. Is it a coincidence that I have consumed more water today than the entire week?

I think this week is going to be a very good one...I have pending plans that I think will be fun.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Letter "N"...


Well, another lovely day gone by. Though, my plans with Nathan Frye changed a little bit because his mother is sick and did not want me to be "subject to a sespool of infectious disease", so we couldn't stay at his house for our Grey's Anatomy marathon.

It was still great, of course. Nathan Frye had the idea to go on a picnic...so I showed up at his house and he walked out the door with his fancy scarf and this little tiny lunchbox (which turns out can hold a lot of food).

He didn't know where he was going (as usual) so we ended up driving around a little before he found the place he wanted to go. It turned out to be this beach like area where the ground had been brought to the sky because of the ice cracking/expanding. I thought it was pretty cool. And our background noise was a bunch of geese. Nathan wanted to go have our picnic by the geese, but we soon realized that wasn't going to happen because it twas too wet. So we explored the woods...which was good because he left the food in my car anyways. We came across a nice little river that was pretty peaceful.

After that we went for a drive. Somehow we ended up on this road, and neither of us knew where it led to...but it twas pretty fun to listen to music and chat about random things. So it twas nice. Then we realized it was taking us to Zumbrota...so we turned around.

Then we went to Hok-Ski-La and had our picnic on a bench. Nathan Frye kept giving all the people passing by with there dogs really odd looks...and when they would look at him he would look away...and then look back...and he made it really awkward, but it was really funny. Our picnic consisted of Diet Coke, String Cheese, Nutri-grain bars, and wheat thins (reduced fat)...it amazed me how much he could fit into that tiny little lunch box. He also let me borrow his gloves because it twas so chilly...and I really liked them...I really want to invest in a pair because they were so awesome.

After that we were kind of clueless at what to do...first we went to JDK's house, but he was busy...then we went to Mike's house, but he was at work...then we went to the library, but it had closed for the day...then we went to the laundromat, but Nathan wasn't strong enough to open the door and the guy there gave us a really weird look...so then we ended up visiting Mike at Snyder.

After chitting and chatting...JDK called and said he twas unbusy...so we went to his house and watched Grey's Anatomy...which twas nice because it was our original plan. We also found out Nathan's stomach growls a lot. Then we picked Mike up from his house, went to Fiesta to get some food, and then went back to JDK's house and watched a movie...which twas good...it was called something along the lines of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Mike left part way through it...but he had already seen it anyways.

Then after the movie ended, JDK, Nathan Frye & I talked and laughed about random things. Then I had to leave. And now...I am here.

Overall, a very enjoyable day...I really enjoy my time with Nathan Frye. It twas also nice to end up hanging out with JDK and Mike because I enjoy them as well.

I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow. I'm hoping at the very least I can sleep in because this morning I ended up waking up at 7am and not being able to fall back asleep (and I had gone to bed at 1:30 and fell asleep at about 2ish). Tomorrow I'll be reading Frankenstein for AP lit. I already started the first 2 pages 3 different times...and every time it is so "poetically" written that it is sooo boring. But we will see. I also hope the weather people lie and it turns out to be 75 and sunny, but I'm always wishing that.


I am Twittery

I am twittery.

I'm not sure if that's a word, but if it's not I am officially claiming it as one. Because it is exactly how I feel. I have had a variety of caffinated products today and now have no ability to focus on anything.

Anyways endings are always nice so i'll say the events of my day backwards.

point 1. I got home and found jello in the refrigerator, which means my mom is back on a diet.

point 2. Mike Trost knows way too much about Pokemon.

point 2. I feel much calmer with an energy drink when I'm surrounded by other people with energy drinks.

point 3. When put in a permanent marker fight with Nathan Frye...Krista Johnson will be victorious.

point 4. Mike Trost on energy drinks is hilarious.

point 5. Slumdog Millionaire is an excellent movie...with music that I like.

point 6. Wandering around redwing can be really fun...and an epic place to take pictures.

point 7. Mocha's at Lily's have a lot of power...

point 8. JDK works at Hope's Harvest

point 9. I can't smile when I have novacaine in my tooth

point 10. I went to the dentist to get my tooth filled...and the cavity was so small...the dentist almost said I could go home.

point. 11. I vaccumed the house for my mom

point 12. The sun woke me up at 7am, but I pulled the covers over my head and slept till 10:15

point 13. I had lots of random dreams.

Well that is my day...there were so many funny moments I could not possibly put them into words...all I know is if there twas a list of "epic days in history" this would go on that list. Mike, JDK, and Nathan Frye are my 3 favorite people.

*serious voice* "I am trying to keep myself under control"...."this mocha has so much power"

I look forward to tomorrow...it twill be another epic day...yay.

The End.

point 14. when proof reading this i realized that I have 2 point 2's.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

An Exception to the Thursday Theory

Today is Thursday.

Usually that tis something bad, but this week Thursday does not exist. That is because we get a vacation day from school tomorrow, so today (in my mind) twas Friday.

Anyways, my day started off just lovely...I was in a good mood. I didn't let the fact that my ipod died on me get in my way of a good day...so instead I just burned my favorite playlist onto a cd. And I pretty much skipped to my car because it twas so warm. I was happy.

I got to school and smiled a lot. Then during Spanish I announced we were going to win Friday morning announcements. My class yelled at me...I said the same thing last week, but the FFA had an epic fail on the music. It would have been country anyways, and I don't like that. But anyways we did win...so I got to laugh at their spanish speaking faces. Plus we had presentations and got to try some hispanic foods...it twas good.

But...skipping over school....and going to after school. Twas also awesome. I went to Subway with JDK!! My favorite place to eat in the world! My favorite food ever is their Italian BMT. oh jeez, it's wonderful.

Then we took his dog for a walk...because it twas necessary. But it was still fun. We walked to the lake and it twas beautiful. His dog is kind of odd, but I don't mind. Then we got to his house and I introduced him to Will & Grace (one of my favorite shows). We laughed a lot, and he decided he liked it. Then we went on the computer and looked at random things.

All in all a lovely day. I'm also looking forward to the next 2 days! Tomorrow tis Slumdog Millionaire with Mike, Nathan Frye, and JDK. My 3 favorite people ever. Then Saturday tis a Grey's Anatomy marathon with Nathan Frye which twill be awesome. We always manage to have fun no matter what. Sunday, however, will be filled with reading Frankenstein for AP Lit...whooo.

Goodbye Lovely!