Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Softest Voice

Good Evening.
9 was the time that I woke up. I wish every day for the rest of the year seniors had a 2 hour delay. Sra. Swanson was shocked that I would say such a thing...she also asked what I did in the morning thinking it would be something amazing...I said "I slept" in a pretty loud voice and definately not in Spanish. I don't think she likes me very much anymore...but I'm not a fan of her so I can't say I care too much.
I talked to a few random people today, such as Tyler Ranzenberger. I hope I scared him enough to turn in his senior picture. Last time I had a class with him he gave me a note with his phone number telling me to call him...I never did, but he moved on rather quickly.
I helped Pat Eversman save the world this morning. We listened to classic rock...he said I didn't seem like the classic rock type...that's okay.
Pretty sure Mike wanted his name in here....I can't say he made study hall any more interesting by telling me that he was going to talk to me. But he does make Media Design more entertaining. I told him I was thinking hateful thoughts about him...that was a lie.
I want some things in my life to change...I'll start with the look of my blog & the music it plays.
If you had a French accent I would fall in love with you.

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