Monday, April 27, 2009

1/2 Smile

A girl walks along an abandoned street
In attempt to escape the world.
The ground has been glazed by a cold rain

Giving it a glass-like appearance.
Lightning strikes in the distance

And two crows fly in opposite directions.
Dark clouds overshadow the girl.
Even though she has great potential,
She is weakened by all the distractions in the world
And all the events of the future.
She moves to the left to walk atop the grass,
And rid herself of routine.
She has no money for an umbrella
To shelter herself from the rain.
Instead she lets the rain dampen her hair,
And dances
Because she has been given legs to escape.
Today was uneventful as many days have been.
I did find out good news that I am currently getting all A's...and that makes me really happy because I've never had a 4.0 before...and I think I can keep these grades.
My dad is at a Zumbro Falls Sportsman's Club meeting tonight helping to decide who gets the scholarship...I hope its me & some other nice person, but I know there's no guarentee of either of those things.
Today I did an hour long intense workout...and it just killed me...I am sore everywhere...especially my legs...but it made me feel amazing and cured my headache so it was worth it.
I've been really happy in some ways, and rather depressed in others....I have amazing friends and a lot to look forward to, but at the same time I have no job that I am currently working at which means no money, and also I have felt myself not caring about a lot of things I should. I'll remain happy though.
Briana talked about Prom with me today...she likes prom. She makes me laugh.
Mr. Brott took some Loco Pills over the weekend and decided to start mandatory review sessions every morning at 7:45 for 2 you might not see my presence in the hallway in the mornings. I hope I get a 3 or better on my AP test....that would be lovely.
I look forward to a wonderful Tuesday.

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