Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mon Amie La Rose

My home has been used for a transition between days...otherwise I have been spending almost all day in Lake City for a week or two now. I really enjoy that and my friends. I find I have no hate list because I only spend time with the people I like...and I find myself enjoying every single one of my friends.
Yesterday on my way home I hit a bug with my car in the dark of night. I'm almost sure it was a bug, but when it hit, it made a noise as loud as hitting a bird. I hope it was a bug. God, I hope it was a bug.
In the past few days I have graduated, sat around a bonfire in the rain while holding an umbrella, went to grad parties, had an amazing day at work, enjoyed an amazing dinner at NOSH with my two favorites, ran, read, and downloaded a crap-ton of music.
Today I really did close to nothing, but yet I accomplished everything I wanted to...I had a few invitations to hang out with people...which I really wish I could attend...but I guess it's good to have a break...I guess. I seem to have liked the idea better in the morning, but I have convinced myself it is a good thing...it is.
I have a headache now so I'll make this short...hopefully I can come up with something more inspirational another day...
"Mon Amie La Rose" is a song by Francoise Hardy. It's in French and not something everyone would like, but god, you know those French accents make everything sound good. There's a youtube video if you are curious.

1 comment:

  1. That song made my cheese smell bad, my dog cried, and I felt offended. JK, somebody has to think the french are sexy, and I guess its you. hahahaha(in a french accent)
