Friday, June 26, 2009

A Day of Productivity

Even amoungst all the dead people I still managed to have an amazing day. People and things die everyday so I can't let that bring me down. Why, it was just today that my beautiful graduation flowers decided to fall over and die, making a dramatic scene on my living room floor.
I've decided the sun wakes up way too early. It woke me up much earlier than I wanted so I was tired most of the day. But, I had a productive day, got a nap in the middle of all the chaos, and then continued my productivity.
I cleaned my car today both inside and out. It also smells amazing. My dad also cleaned his 2 vehicles...he got the crappy car we have so clean that someone stopped to say they have never seen a car so clean and they offered to buy it. My dad and I are both in shock because the car is crap, but it starts and apparently it cleans up well.
I also read almost 100 pages in my book. That's amazing for me considering I have a very short attention span, but the book is good and I want to finish it by Tuesday.
I ran a mile on the treadmill today, like most days...and I got 5 minutes and 50 seconds...that is getting very close to my goal on my list of things to do in my life of getting a mile in 5 minutes or less. By the end of the summer I hope to accomplish that.
In less interesting news I also did 2 loads of laundry and cleaned. It's hardly worth mentioning, but it's all a part of this very productive day during which I made flashcards for my food terms for my waitress test. There are a ton of them. I'm proud.
Tomorrow I start my new job. It shall be super fun and exciting. I also work at Nosh tomorrow which shall also be fun and exciting...then I will probably do something...haven't thought of's a busy weekend so I'm sure I'll find something. Text me if interest arises.
Why is the letter "i" capitalized when we refer to ourselves? The word "you" is, however, not capitalized. But trust me, I think You are important enough to be capitalized. Things to ponder...I'm not sure if I deserves to be capitalized.

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