Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How Good of Quality is Your Quality Time?

Nuns are so much nicer when their mouths aren't letting out words.
Today turned out to be a good day. I think if I would have stayed home I would have became super bored and ended up being in a bad mood, but this is not the case. Except for a little frustration in the Esteban department, but that is hardly worth having any emotion toward so I really don't care.
Esteban wrote me an email that said I shouldn't be so "ingrata" (unpleasant) and that I should write to him sooner. The truth is I was the last one to leave him a message on facebook so that is a lie that I haven't wrote him and that I am being unpleasant...whatever I suppose...he can think what he wants. Things like this allow me to assure myself I made the correct decision.
In other news of my life...someone did take the invitation of spending quality time and it did work out. I would give the quality of this time 4/5 stars. I went to Mike's and we took his dog on a walk to Subway...ate there...walked back. Sat in his basement and watched tv...spent about an hour fighting over the better blanket...which was a good time. We laughed at ridiculous people on the television...including a nun from Arkansas that shouldn't have an entire 1/2 hr. block to ramble on about ridiculous subjects, stupid people that get 100,000 for either being cute or incredibly stupid, Paris Hilton and her "BFF" search, famous murders, Scrubs, The Simpsons, and Family Guy. It was a good time.
Now I came home to start some chorse and MAYBE start some thank-you cards...but I'm not sure about that yet...I'm pretty tired.
God, I hate those Prius commericals...the babies creep me out. They have a new one. Bleh.
"Not correcting your children is the worst mistake you can make in your life." But, keep drinking that alcohol, smoking those cigarettes, and continue that affair you're having with Mr. Expensive Pants across the street. Just as long as you correct them damn children. The nun said only the quote...but seriously? The WORST mistake? Doubtful. Maybe 1998 when this particular episode was filmed was an easier time, but I doubt it.
When the tree didn't give Jesus figs he cursed it and it died. How does that man make you feel?
Tomorrow will be some quality work time...but not the fun kind. The kind where you stay at home and do annoying tasks. Thursday is U of M Orientation!!! I'm excited.
Hasta Later.

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