Friday, June 19, 2009


Guess what?
I had an AMAZING day.
And by AMAZING I mean my stress level was at 0.
-I woke up at 10.
-Ran what I use to (it killed me, but I did it).
-Ate healthy.
-Cleaned my room.
-Figured out my work schedule.
-Figured some other things out.
-Spent some wonderful time with my friends...including some unusuals...and by unusual I mean people I like a lot, but aren't my usuals.
I'd say my life is back on track.
In other news I work tomorrow...ha...In other news part 2 I'm hosting a bonfire tomorrow. What's this? Complications? Oh well, what's new. I think I get off at 6 though...I hope I get off at 6...I hope I hope I hope I get off at 6. I also hope it doesn't much as I love a good shall not rain on my fire.
I played Rock Band for the first time ever...I've never even seen this game in action (lame I know)...the images I had in my head were much more exciting, but it was still fun anyways. Until Mehmet came...then the energy just died. Like him, but his energy is a downer.
I also watched Mike play Super Smash Brothers on Wii. Pretty EX-CIT-ING *dramatic voice* It had lots of explosions and stuff I didn't understand, but I enjoy video games to a certain extent.
I'm catching up on the So You Think You Can Dance episode I missed today...god, I love that show...I have a slight (and by slight I mean slight) crush on Johnathan and this other dark haired dreamy. Don't won't work out.
To Tom:
I'm taking French next year so I will soon understand your silly translations. I also hope we hang out more because it sounds like you've been insanely lame. I will see you tomorrow.
Perhaps I will be seeing the rest of you tomorrow as well...besides those unlocals. Thank-you to all who contributed to my amazing day today. =)

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