Friday, June 12, 2009

Blah Blah Blah The Squirrels Are Fighting

I saw the University of Minnesota for the first time between yesterday and today. It is so beautiful...I'm satisfied with my blind guessing in a college. My schedule is awesome. Thursdays will be my favorite day of the week...Mondays and Wednesdays will be a little on the crazy side. I am double majoring in Spanish and Psychology.
I am taking:
Beginning French
Intro. Psychology
Humanities in the West I
Spanish 1003
I met a friend and a half...I say half because I can't remember his name...but we carried on a lengthy conversation and it was nice.
I also met a girl named Gina. Gina is quiet, has a sweet haircut that got her to a competition in L.A. She likes German and History, and um...well that's the important stuff. I can almost guarentee I won't see her again, but at least I know I'm capable of meeting people. It was nice that I was super tired and her personality is kind of like the tired version of me...just the fact that she's quiet and unenthusiastic. We both can't sing or dance either (or so she says...we never did find out), we didn't exchange a lot of words, but we did hang out the whole time, roomed together, and we both looked at each other funny when our group leader mentioned a singing war game. But, that's enough about her...perhaps we will meet up again someday...perhaps not.
I also noticed at the U of M that there are a lot of Lake City look-alikes.
I met:
-Ashley Eichelberger's close to identical twin
-Ashley Hans & Michelle Dick's combination (with a spice of the Bobbi Falde face)
-Terence Pettis's close to identical twin with matching personality & football skills
-Tommy Keller's curly haired twin complete with polo & computer in hand
-What would you get if you put Ms. Mgrath (or however you spell it), Laura Berktold (with extra length to her hair and an aged face), and a little bit of loca con ADD into a blender and shaped the contents into human form. She is my advisor.
-Kaliee Draz with an oval shaped face instead of a heart shaped face
I have a new favorite ice cream flavor (imagine whirled peace). I have a slight crush on 2 guys on So You Think You Can Dance (don't worry I won't be a loser about it). I learned about Diversity, STDs, and Rape complete with STD dance. My advisor randomly inserts comments about squirrels & birds into the conversation, she also watches a live video of a sleeping dog that doesn't move...she's a bit ridiculous...her name is Claudia. The U has some strong crazy liberals that have tainted viewpoints. Some of their arguments were good with the stuff they have actually experienced, but their view on alcohol was a little awkward.
Tomorrow I am a ninja. I might miss people's grad parties. Hope you aren't too disappointed.
Sweet Dreams to you. I can't wait to ACTUALLY have sleep =) & God I've been eatting terrible...a health diet is on my way for the sake of not killing myself with crap.

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