Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sleeping Walking Among the Spiders

I sleepwalk in the world of the awake.
My care slips away and I lose my balance.
Clawing at the ground.
Pulling at the grass and hoping
That it will pull me to safety,
And everything just might be okay.
I encountered that spider as I was studying outside today. It was gross. Really gross. Spiders are definately my worst fear. Especially when they aren't on the ground. I'm always scared they are going to jump on me. Bleh.
There's also a cool looking picture of my cat. She's the devil in cat form. I also have a scary picture of her, but I'll save that for another day. I thought I would show the nicer side of her because it does exist sometimes. Whatever.
I have a Latin test tomorrow. I really want to do well. Like really really. I got a B+ for a grade first semester. I hope to do better on this final than my semester final because that was terrible. Ego scripsi litteras mihi means I wrote a letter to myself. I'm not sure when I will ever use that because...well...I don't do that. But oh well.
2 days. 2 days until school is over. gahhh I have a massive list of things to do. Mr. Brott and Mr. Kohutko are the only locos that are making us do anything. Stupid boys. Ms. Kopp doesn't like boys...or at least the ones in our advisory.
Part of my posse will be gone tomorrow. That makes me triste, but at least I have the other 33.3%. I like my friends. I look forward to Friday and Saturday when I get to spend some time with them that isn't school.
I will be a ninja tomorrow night.
WaaaaCHA *slap slap*

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