Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Blog For Two

This weekend has been crazy busy. My house was used as a bed and that was all. It was an absolutely amazing weekend, but I wish I had more sleep and a day to rest my legs.
-Yesterday I volunteered at Hope's Harvest. It was really fun...I like the coffee shop atmosphere and feeling like I helped.
-I also hung out with JDK. We went to Rabbit's so I could see where Nosh gets their bread.
-Then we met up with Mike and went out for Chinese. It was a grand time with good food and I just remembered I left my Chinese in Mike's refrigerator, which I knew would happen when he offered to let me keep it there.
-After that I went to work and got a workout. I love my job so much. I have something to do constantly so it goes by amazingly fast. The only problem is that when it's all over I feel stressed with minor tasks. I saw some more amazing food. If you're going for amazing look try the's beautiful.
-After work I hung out with JDK and Mike some more...we played regular Bananas and Dirty was hilarous.
Today I went to the AIDS walk in the cities. I rode the transit. Saw crazily energetic and enthusiastic people. Walked 6.2+ miles. Got lots of free snacks. It was really fun. My legs kill now though.
I've realized things about myself from my relations with other people:
-My hate list is only can be proven wrong at any given moment.
-When I'm stressed I don't enjoy being around people I normally do or my parents, but that's a given.
-I don't like people to say I'm in a bad mood/crabby/ just doesn't help anything.
-I say things that people take personally...even though I don't mean any of it.
I always thought that I was a patient person, but I think I need to work on developing more of it.
I love my friends. I like what my life is turning into. I'm frustrated with some things, stressed about others. It's becoming easier to focus on each individual day. 4 more days of high school...and Holy Lorda I'm glad it's almost done.
Sorry this was so long.
I could have said "Zitch Dog" a million times today at the park. If you were there I would be winning by a lot more. But you weren't.
Her doinker boinked his yoinker.

1 comment:

  1. First off, i really like your new blog picture. I Think it matches a lot better than mud.

    Secondly, this was a great post. And i only call you cranky because it's the one thing we have in common that we both absolutely hate. So obviously I'm going to take advantage of it.

    Lastly, I had a few zitch dogs too, but forgot to text them, and i thought you might think i was cheating.
