Thursday, July 9, 2009

So It Goes

Good Day & Good Evening to you.
Yesterday I felt as if I had nothing inspirational to I didn't blog. Today I feel the same way, but I thought I would blog anyways. it goes:
Yesterday Seattle was once again made official. Now, we have transportation there as well as a place to sleep. I'm pretty sure that's all we need to make it official. I'm excited like none other. Really. 38 days or something like that.
Today I bought tickets to a play. Also exciting. It shall be good. Shakespeare at his finest.
Yesterday I hung out with JDK and then with JDK & Mike. Both were good moments.
Mike recently got a snuggie®. There are a variety of emotions that I have discovered when being in the presence of such a purchase: Happiness, Comfort, Cheer, The Rare Half Smile Follwed By The Full Smile Followed By Looking To The Ground In Shame Followed By a Head Shake (there's actually a word for this particular emotion and that is Ridiculous--formerly known as an adjective to describe something ridiculous), and the last emotion, of course, is warmth's a blanket in the form of a backwards robe that makes you feel like Jesus or a the case of Mike: Jesus of the Jungle. But, good for him. Next are Fuggies®. Sick of those drafty slippers? Well, try Fuggies® in 3 beautiful colors.
Today I volunteered. Only it's not really volunteering after you signed a paper saying you would for sure show up, because at first I didn't feel like showing up. But, despite that, it wasn't so painful. Kids are facinating when prizes, a blow up jumping place, and popsicles are involved. One mom left the blow up jumping place that the librarian rented for the kids a surprise...the kid was so excited she pretty much grinded her teeth, curled up into a ball and squealed with joy...then continued to jump around the library for the next 15 minutes. It was insane. It also costed over $300 to rent this thing soooo it deserves this dramatic emotion. This particular event was called Party in the Park. I learned that DQ gift certificates make children go ooOOOOoooo in unison. I learned that kids like Root Beer flavored popsicles. I learned that kids take fake paper money very seriously. But, I OBVIOUSLY know very little about kids.
My mom's goal for the day was to go without hearing or seeing the words Michael Jackson. Perhaps she suceeded in that goal, but I did not...apparently the news is obsessed. Though, I'm pretty sure the news died a few years ago with the economy. R.I.P.
I think Zumbro Falls is beautiful from the top of my hill. I can even see the pink from the Pussycat from my hill. Awkward? Yes, but the view is still priceless. If you pan to the left there is also a view of the rolling hills towards Zumbrota.
So You Think You Can Dance in t-minus 18 minutes...I wish I could dance....*sigh*

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