Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today when I woke up I didn't feel shooting pains from the gym.
Instead I felt like I imagine those huge wrestlers or body buildings feel.
Instead of hurting, it just took a lot of effort to move.
Maybe that's why muscular people always walk around like they are carrying heavy buckets of water.

Last night I had two nightmares that had me scared in the middle of the night. They both related to police. They both had my dad in them. The one I remember most was my dad and I riding in his truck somewhere around Lake City and I saw ahead that a guy was in a cop car, but clearly wasn't a cop. Then I saw him shoot somebody and drive towards us with the sirens. My dad wouldn't listen to me when I told him to drive away because it's not a real cop. So my dad pulled over and the guy drove over to us with a gun and then I woke up. I felt so incredibly helpless.

I don't really know if they mean anything or not, but it probably had something to do with this Study Abroad issue that I'm having with my parents. Now they are supportive, but money is an issue. So...I'm going to not be spending much money this semester and I'll be working my butt of this summer. If they still have a problem I will be job searching soon. I just really need to get Spanish 3015 out of the way so I don't have problems getting into classes because I need that class for all the other classes in my major and it's really hard to get into.

Today in French we had our first quiz. I was really impressed with what I actually knew. I think she scared me so bad that I studied a lot, and in the end I will probably do even better than last semester.

I'm nervous for tomorrow. I have to take 2 buses to get to Plaza Latina in St. Paul. I'm really excited for this volunteer job, but I really need to get used to where it is. I'm leaving right after class tomorrow and if I get there early I'll just be hanging out in Plaza Latina. Probably getting some delicious lunch. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Two more classes for today and both of them are writing classes. I will survive.

:) Adios

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