Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunny In Minneapolis

Everytime I go to French class I feel like I'm in some movie or watching some movie from within the screen. My teacher says the most unusual quotes that both make me laugh and scare me. I've never felt so confused as to how I feel about a person. I'm pretty sure I like her, but I am very much afraid of her.

Yesterday my favorite thing she said was: "You know there's a quiz coming. You can smell it. It's oozing from your nose. Almost dripping. *awkward pause*"

Today she talked about an American accent in the English language. She said when she was learning English she would just put a bunch of gum in her mouth to get the accent down. Then she did an imitation of an American accent which sounded really gross and stupid so that makes me sad and also made me laugh a lot.

I think it's getting better so I'm less worried. We have an oral exam next week though and I'm fairly certain I'll be freaking out about that.

Yesterday I went with Sajinee to look at houses. Though I don't plan on getting a house next year, all the people she plans on rooming with had class so she asked me to go. It was an interesting experience that I think I could do now. We'll see when I decide to do that...

Wednesdays are good days for these reasons:
-Lunch with Kevin & maybe the others
-Creative Writing with James and Sajinee
-Gym with Mike & Andrew

I'm still sore from the last time I went to the gym, but I'm very convinced things will start getting better. Plus, I enjoy working out anyways so it's not like it's a terrible experience. My arms have just been in serious pain when I do certain things.

I've discovered anything by Final Fantasy/Owen Pallett is really really good. He has a lot of classical background so I think it has an awesome sound. I also find "Do You Love" to be so incredibly creepy it's awesome and probably one of my favorites.

Today is a good day.


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