Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 2: Not Quite Used to This

Hola. Just a quick update before I have lunch with Kevin, Branden, and Sean. Even though I'm not sure who Sean is quite yet.

I forgot how much waking up at 6AM kills me and now it makes perfect sense why I missed the class the first day. However, now I will get back on track and will also be spending lots of my money on morning coffee. Spanish was rather awkward today. We played one of those introduction games where there is one fact about each person and you have to find the person in the class who fits the fact and blah blah blah. Well, not being there yesterday I didn't have a fact about me or didn't have a heads up on the names of the class so it was annoying. However, I really really like my Spanish teacher and there is hope of nice people in the class so yay.

French is just as scary as ever. I did learn that nothing is graded until next week, BUT everything this week determines whether or not you should stay in the class. And good god I swear my teacher is trying to scare everyone away. If I could shrink to the size I actually feel in the class you wouldn't even be able to see me, BUT I promise to stay in the class and prove that crazy woman wrong. It's surprising how terrible it makes me feel that I got a B+ in 1001 instead of an A. And, yesterday she really scared me when she was going through everyones majors and when she saw I was a Spanish/Port. major she gave me a scary look and asked me what I was doing there. I didn't really have an answer for that. We had a quiz today that wasn't bad, but I forgot some easy conjugations I shouldn't have. I'll survive somehow.

Freshman writing yesterday was fun. I have two semi-friends from Middlebrook in my class (people I don't hang out with exactly, but see a lot). Plus, the teacher is really nice. There's a lot of awkward people in the class though so it's kind of weird. But, the teacher has a Master's in Creative Writing so I think we'll get along just fine considering I would prefer creative writing over achedemic writing any day.

Today I start Creative Writing at 2:30-3:20. I hope I like it. Actually, I know I will, but I hope my teacher(s) are good and there are nice people in the class. My "bestie" from my French class is in there so if worse comes to worse I can talk with him.

I promise I'll stop talking about boring info. about my classes sometime soon. Just this week that is probably the only thing interesting happening. I guarentee I'll have stories from French everyday because I haven't even talked about half the stuff that has happend in just the 100 minutes I've been there.

Oh, in other news I start volunteering at Casa de Esperanza on Friday the 29th. I'm super super excited.

Have a lovely day!

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