Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Hello. I'm home. I'm really really home and the feeling is wonderful.

Moments ago I was also directly honest in a message to a friend I have been in mild conflict with. I'm not directly honest a whole lot, but I've discovered it's very much the key to a good friendship. All I know is a huge stressor has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel free of negative thoughts. I hope it goes as I hope it does.

I bought my books. I also am wearing a dress today. Between the wind and my coat pulling it up...I'm fairrrrly certain I exposed my behind to a few gentlemen. Now, the awesome thing is this is a big school and nobody really cares. Sooo it doesn't really matter. :) However, if you see my dress drifting in the up direction please inform me.

I've just now made my "New Year's Resolutions". I think I've already started working on them anyways, but it's always been difficult to completely commit.

1. No gossip will be spread from my mouth. I'm not usually too bad with this, but an occasional slip isn't even appropriate. I don't care about the lives of others unless they want me to care. This does not include hearing gossip because it will end at me.
2. No unnecessary anger, drama, or sadness. Happiness is much better for everyone and I feel as if everything in my life is coming together to the point where none of my happiness is fake and saddness is selfish.
3. Relationship? Perhaps. Andrew, Mike, and I made an informal agreement to have a relationship by the end of the semester. While I find this method not worthwhile, A part of me does desire a relationship. I need to start looking for the hints and meeting more people. However, if you notice me trying to force a relationship yell at me.
4. Have as much fun as possible and maintain good grades. I have a long list of awesome events coming up!! I am soooo excited. If I have that all the time I will be truly happy and if my grades are good that is both good for my future and will also make everyone happy.

I still have a couple of things to take care of so I will leave you. Hope you have an epic weekend and MLK day!!


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