Thursday, February 11, 2010


Becoming the Ocean

I’d struggle to push my bedroom window open,
With my feet gliding away from my body
Slipping on the rug beneath my feet.
I’d crawl out the frame
With my feet bare and naked,
The wind blowing my hair back and forth.
A trail of blood
Led back to that window
As the sharp rocks pierced my feet.
I’d climb to the top of the cliff overlooking the ocean
And cry until my eyeliner left paths beneath my eyes
And the whites of my eyes turned as red as the blood beneath my feet.
I’d cradle my legs and admire the beauty of the ocean
It made me feel beautiful too.
The gray reflected in my eyes
And the pouring rain from the sky left my hair rough and wet.
The thunder from the storm echoed in my ears and the waves crashed.
I became the ocean.
And once the sun crawled out of the clouds.
I would go back to the window
Trying to imitate the reflection of the sun
While the birds soared around my arms.

That's one poem I wrote for Creative Writing. It's still not my favorite that I've written, but it has the most beautiful image. The minute I share my favorite poem I've written is the moment it becomes my least favorite.

When I write I turn on my itunes and listen to certain bands. This particular poem was inspired by "Sea and Rhythm" and "Naked as we Came" by Iron & Wine as well as "Sideways" by Citizen Cope. The goal was to write a monologue of someone other than yourself made up or real.

I created a playlist called Inspirational Mix which has all the usual songs that help me to write including Iron & Wine, Citizen Cope, Regina Spektor, Fiona Apple, Voxtrot, Belle & Sebastian, Camera Obscura, Lodger, Andrew Bird, and some others. I absolutely love it and all the songs make me get butterflies in my stomach and beautiful images in my head.

Yesterday Ed Bok Lee was the guest poet in Creative Writing and he is now on my list of favorite poets, mainly because his voice is so amazing to listen to you can't help but get drawn in and think of nothing but the poems. He also had us do this activity related to languages, which combining writing and foreign language has to be the greatest activity ever.

I am excited to move on to Fiction Writing sometime soon because I prefer to write short stories. I'm still never sure when my poems are good or just sound nice. I also don't think everyone catches my metaphors and such. After reading a lot of poetry it becomes apparent that a lot of them have a very similar feel (especially when you read them outloud). However, this isn't true for everything and I'm not an expert in poetry.

I love writing and I love music.

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