Monday, August 31, 2009

The Magical Cat

Today I saw a cat.
It was the same cat I swear.
Only it was in two different towns,
Once at my house and once in Lake City.
How is this possible?
I'm not sure.
But, I looked up the meaning of cats in dreams,
And they mean bad luck.
Is it ironic I lost all my $10 at the casino?
I'm not sure.
I was creeped out the whole ride home.
I felt as if I was going to see this reappearing cat in the middle of the road
Just looking back at me.
But, I didn't.
I'm not a fan of this white cat with orange spots.
It's creepy & looks at me funny & it disappeared into the bushes at my house
& it's a symbol for me losing my money.
Today I ate a large meal, felt full, yet completely unsatisfied.
It's called Burger King. Duh.
I'm not a fan, but yet it's what I wanted.
I hate Bob and Tom and their show.
I hate their laughter.
But yet, I'm watching them on TV now.
Simply so I can just see what they look like.
They look nothing like I imagined when I would listen to them at work at 5 in the morning.
The "Yeah Toast" song always makes me laugh.
If they don't play that in the next 5 minutes I'm switching channels.
I love my best friend.
I love my friends in general.
Saying goodbye to these people is not fun.
I haven't said goodbye and given this many hugs in a long time.
I still don't feel like it's happening
So I haven't cried.
I don't think I will though.
Unless you throw chopped onions at my face.
That will do it.
I took a walk around my grandparents yard today after talking to them for 3 hours.
I had so many memories come rushing back:
Not finding any apples under the apple tree & then shaking it harder than I should.
Hunting for monarch caterpillars.
Finding blackberries and eatting them with milk.
Crashing into a tree on a sled with my grandma.
Drinking water from this fountain right next to the barn.
Playing with the fish in the fish pond.
They haven't played "Yeah Toast" yet....I refuse to listen to them laugh anymore.
I'm watching 2 episodes of Scrubs instead.
The End

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