Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happiness, Passion, Strength

Expressing myself is overrated.
Who needs to hear how I feel?
And if they do, who is to say they can fully understand?
I never feel it necessary to grasp an emotion other than happiness, passion, strength and a couple of others.
All the others are wasted--saddness, complaining, bitterness, anger, frustration, etc.
She is part of the reason for my future
And that's all you need to know...
That's all you need to feel.
I cherish the words of a song that say "It took a funeral to make me feel alive."
I live to be alive, but why do I die?
I have extended beliefs on what happens afterwards, but you wouldn't understand.
I don't mean to judge you, your intelligence, or beliefs, but it's true.
You have your beliefs and I have mine.
But, the one thing that matters while you're here is that you make the best of it.
I'm pretty sure we can all agree on that.
Ask yourself everyday if you made the best of this day.
Few days the answer to that is yes, but please don't dwell.
It wastes time.
Acknowledgement and Acceptence
are the two most important words when dealing with problems.
Difficult to do, yes.
I talk about this for two reasons.
An important person in my life passed away today
And I did terrible on a quiz I took today.
Both completely unrelated in subject matter and intensity,
But yet I discovered both required the same process.
Thank-you. You were an inspiration.

And, to you, the reader
You are an inspiration to someone more than you'll ever know.
Acknowledge, accept, and live your life.
Stop the worthless emotions and express the others.
Then, you will find true happiness.
I haven't quite found it, but I'm getting there.
Have a beautiful day.

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