Friday, November 6, 2009

Things of Humor

Bonjour dearest friend.
I am feeling about every emotion ever, except for saddness because it's pretty much the lamest emotion to ever be invented. Humor would be the one noun that I would use to describe my mood might even go as far to use the adjective humourous to describe my mood, but I find that it looks awkward so I don't use it too often.
Today many things of humor happend...nothing amazing, but definately mentionable. First of all, when waiting to cross the crosswalk I had a bike stop and wave me across then wait for me to get to the other side of the crosswalk...I was really confused by this, but it was a super nice gesture that made my day.
Later I was going to walk to Middlebrook and I noticed the Bridge Connector was waiting in it's usual location. I thought I would finally take advantage of this beautiful mode of transportation so I started speed walking to the point of my legs aching and the stuff in my backpack making a weird noise with every step...pretty sure my backpack was out of breath. Once I entered the bus I sat down and waited for another 10 minutes for it to take off. I felt a little ridiculoso, but it was still faster.
After lunch I noticed that someone had spilled Jello, stepped in it, then walked away leaving a clear footprint of jello stuff. Someone that walked by shouted: "A clue!" Everyone that heard it appreciated it (me) then everyone I explained it to also appreciated it.
As I was walking back to my dorm from middlebrook a series of funny thoughts ran through my head. First off, a girl was wearing a nice jacket with the zipper zipped but not the cool button things...the thought that ran through my head was: "Button up your coat and stop being such a hooker. Warm weather does not make prostitution legal." I'd explain this in detail, but I just think it's funny so enjoy. The second thought to enter my head was "Yes I'm naked under these clothes. Stop judging." I really want to shout that to anyone that gives me a weird look. I think it would be hilarious.
Once I arrived at my dorm I realized I really had to pee. Unfortunately the janitor was cleaning our bathrooms. I seriously just stood in my dorm and paced around in mini-circles then would open my door and look out...often making awkward eye contact with the janitor. I decided to go down to floor 3. I realized then that the floor 3 bathrooms are much different than the floor 4 bathrooms. It was weird. When I flushed the handle thing got stuck and it just continued to make that annoying toilet noise and I laughed at it for a second...then I decided to make it stop. I washed my hands like a lady and went back to my room.
Amongst all these things of humor I had a French test...which went fairly well I think? Good one might even say even though I'm not was rushed. And in approximately 2 hours 19 minutes and 31 seconds I have a Spanish presentation on Pablo Picasso. It shall be good I hope.
This weekend will be fun!
It's the weekend! Get off your butt and have some fun!

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