Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey there.

So...tomorrow is my birthday. Actually, at 1:33am is my birthday (which is still tomorrow).

I think birthdays are awkward and pointless, but I still love them. Why? I haven't quite figured that out. I'm not a huge fan of being the center of attention, but it is always nice to have people care about you just a little bit more than the average day. It's how I imagine it would be like to be famous (translation: LOTS of facebook notifications). Cake is good, but I never get that anymore sadly. You also get to do more stuff every year without it being looked down upon.

So,what do I gain this year with my age of wisdom? Glad you ask because 19 is a beautiful age of nothingness that I still feel like I'm gaining a lot for. I didn't think I had anything at all this year, but while I was looking up stuff for curing upper respiratory flu (because that's what I have had for a few days now) I came across "In the United States the Food and Drug Administration recommends that aspirin should not be given to children under 19 years of age during episodes of fever." So, I'm now in the clear for that. Even though I don't take aspirin it's nice to know that I can do something other people can't (muahaha aspirin during a fever). Chris Polansky told me I can buy cigarettes in New Jersey now...I don't smoke, but at least I know I can when I'm chilling outside the Newark airport.

Today I began my pre-celebration by going to Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter. Quite good I must say. I laughed a lot and it was the type of entertaining where you just want to keep watching. I thought the audience was annoying. I was disappointed in Minneapolis for that. The Pantages theater is so beautiful though. I really want to go skydiving.

Tomorrow I continue celebrating by attending class (woo hoo) or at least 1 or 2 of the 3. Then I'm going to Faith Healer at the Guthrie with Andrew. Then going to Where the Wild Things are with a few people. I'm super excited.

I like you, and Budda too.
I hope your un-birthday treats you well.


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