Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Family Time

I have felt the essence of family at my house.

Yesterday the smell of homemade bread filled the air as I sipped my tea. Curling up in a blanket in a comfy chair while watching trashy TV and talking about my college experiences with my mom. Then we watched Julie and Julia. I was reminded how bad I want to visit France and how much I wish I could cook delicious food.

Today I went shopping with my mom before the snow came. It's always fun discussing good books and movies with her. Riding with her in the car and listening to her be dramatic about everything.

I got home and watched two very good movies: Expiration Date and Viva Cuba.

My mom, my dad, and I then played three games of Masterpiece (the game that pretty much is our family tradition). We laughed to the point of tears, ate truffles and cheese & crackers, and listened to a CD I made. It felt like a moment in a movie where everything is just perfect. I love my family in moments like these.

Now I'm watching (500) Days of Summer with my mom.

I'm really disappointed I couldn't make it to Briana's Party because of the large amount of snow coming, but I figured it wasn't worth it to argue with my parents. I have a long break and will get another opportunity. I really miss some people.

I'll get sick of my family soon, but for now it's practically movie perfect and I hope it stays this way until the weather gets better. I'm very comfortable and am enjoying a relaxing time with delicious food, beautiful movies, TV, and just everything I need in the moment.

Soon I will get the busy schedule going again.

I love my life.

I miss my friends.

My mom asked me to burn her a CD...1/2 is my beautiful Indie/Relaxing Music and 1/2 is Lady Gaga. I didn't picture my mom to be a Lady Gaga person, but it's an interesting fact.

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